People of reddit, what’s the most helpful question a therapist has asked you?

  1. I’m clearly getting nowhere with you would you rather go see the chaplain?

    Ended up fishing with the chaplain until we got back to California instead of talking to some retarded head shrinker.

  2. That’s not really how therapy works (in my experience). It’s more like, helping you develop tools to deal with your behaviors/emotions..

  3. Therapy wasn’t very helpful to me, they’d just ask about how my day was and not really help me all that much. It’s basically just going to someone to vent to them, maybe useful if that’s all you want but otherwise they ain’t much help. Looking for a psychiatrist right now, hopefully they’re more helpful.

    The one question I remember was “what’s your favorite song right now” and that didn’t really help me at all but it was a memorable question LMAO

  4. When we were doing a mindfulness exercise, he asked me if I could picture creating space between me and my thoughts. It’s been a fundamental idea throughout my treatments.

  5. “What would your response be if your son came to you with that problem?”

    Being a good dad is hugely important to me, so when I’m struggling with something and finding it difficult to deal with, he re-frames it for me.

  6. The value of therapy varies widely.

    One side is you have to be willing to open up and talk about Freudian shit. Most people want pop psychology and have trouble talking about their childhood feelings, why mom wasn’t there and sitting in the painful emotions.

    The other side is the therapist has to be the right fit. 99% of the time I felt like I was talking to my aunt and wasn’t worth the $150/hr. I’ve only known 1 therapist who made me feel like I just took medicine. I stayed with her 15 yrs.

    The best therapist will guide you to your own conclusions.

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