My bf has this kink where he likes to be as close as possible to their partner during sex (I’m the partner these days, but I’m sure this kink has nothing to do with me specifically). Close in a “pressed up against eachother as much as possible” type way. We tend to tie ourselves together with rope, but his favorite way seems to be closeness via wearing the same clothing. As in, we will be in the same tee shirt and pants. There was a time he managed to get us both into a pair of my panties AND my sports bra*.
The kink itself isn’t a problem at all, it doesn’t do much for me but it makes him happy and doesn’t push me out of my comfort zone. The issue comes with the fact that I have gotten very curious about what this kink is called and I can not find anything when I Google it (and I’ve tried every word combo I could and have gotten nothing) There has to be a name/label/something for this kink. There’s no way he is the only person with this kink, and no way this is so niche that it doesn’t have some kind of classification. It’s driving me nuts trying to figure this out 😂
Anything helps. This is like the third night in the past couple months that I’ve been stuck awake trying to get answers 😂

*(Target’s underwear is great, it literally wasn’t stretched out at all and I can still wear them like normal. He’s pretty muscular/thiqqq so it wasn’t like fitting two twigs in there. I was very impressed with the quality of the $5 panties and $12 sports bra 😂.)

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