That you’d be much better off not knowing

  1. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
    I used to ask if they were ok but then that was an invitation for them to overshare more and I have enough of my own stuff going on without taking on their stuff too.

  2. « Did I asked you to share that ? No ? Then keep it to yourself from now on. » the response I give every single time.

  3. I give them this face: 🙂 and a “ahhhaaa I see” while screaming for help internally.

  4. I don’t think I’ve necessarily ever felt that way. Maybe I think “I guess they really needed to get that off their chest.” And then I reflect on what they said, listen well, and try to respond the best I can if a response is warranted. But, I’ve been through a lot myself, and suppose I don’t really necessarily have that TMI experience.

    With two exceptions: long time male friends who suddenly decide to tell me they want to “put their dick in me”. TMI, felt disgusted and betrayed and duped, and blocked them immediately. But also not TMI, because at least I found out.

  5. Most of the time, I’m glad they felt comfortable enough and trusted me enough to overshare. I usually try my best to listen and give advice if that’s what they’re looking for.

  6. Happy. They want to connect with me and must trust me – hooray!

    People can tell me ANYTHING, I don’t believe in “TMI” because I enjoy deep connections, deep conversations and being supportive of people.

    I want people to feel they can open up to me, unfiltered.


    I was shamed for opening up when I was younger, so I bottled everything up.

    I didn’t talk to people and my life was AWFUL.

    I never EVER want someone to feel the way I felt for so much of my life.

    Because I didn’t feel like I could or should talk to people – and it messed my life up on every level.

  7. I usually laugh and try to laugh with them. It’s all good.

    Last week some guy told me about his hemorrhoid at the bar when he found out I was a nurse and I asked if he named it yet,

  8. It’ll really depend on what they told me…

    I’m a trained psychologist, so honestly a lot of my friends tend to unload things on me.

  9. It depends on how TMI, like if it’s trauma dumping I just kind of listen and try to only give feedback if it’s asked for

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