What’s something you prefer to do alone rather than with others?

  1. Eating, because I feel fat and incredibly shameful when I eat with friends who are skinnier and prettier than I. I still do it, but not that often because it exhausts me mentally.

    Travelling, always. Part of the fun with going new places is getting to meet new people, and I find it’s just so much easier solo. There’s also nothing worse than having a limited amount of time to explore, and feeling like I have to give up on things I’d have wanted to do to accomodate my travelling partner’s wishes.

    Clubbing and concerts most of the time: Depends on what club and where, and what band.

  2. Going shopping. I’ve always hated doing that with other people. I don’t like waiting around for them and I really don’t like making other people wait around for me. It just stresses me out.

  3. Working out – I like getting in, doing my routine without interruptions, and getting out.

    Also travel to an extent – I like going at my own pace including leaving something I’m not interested in and doing something else. I would travel with a single friend or family member, but I definitely would not like a big group tour for the above reason

  4. Relaxing. I am an introvert and I am only able to charge up when I am alone.

    I also prefer working out alone and never understood people who prefer classes.

  5. Run. I don’t want or need a running buddy. I like to put my headphones in, put my head down and go. It’s my quiet time

  6. Going to the gym, running errands, shopping (so I can take all the time I want)

  7. Working out.


    Sometimes hiking or going to museums. For hiking, I like my own pace. I go quickly but if I want to stop for photos or to examine a plant or an insect, I don’t want to be rushed. But at the same time I like being with the people I love and sharing the experience.

    For museums I like to contemplate for a while sometimes, or read all the info. But I also like to share the experience, discuss meaning, and make jokes like r/artmemes

  8. Go to the bathroom… I don’t like that co workers and friends will just continue to talk to me

  9. Go to the movies. I can sit where i want, dont have to share my giant ass popcorn, no talking, and i get to see whatever i want to see

  10. Eating. I just don’t like being forced to chat while I’m trying to eat. Also, watching movies. Most people, that I know, like to talk during movies and it drives me nuts.

  11. Going to the toilet!! Out with the girls – ‘I’m going to the toilet ‘ ‘Omg I will come with!’ Erm, why. Please don’t, your talking will literally stop my flow.

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