I’m going to new hobby/sports classes, trying different things in effort to meet new people but everyone is very reserved or sticks to their own circles. Feeling alone and defeated here…

  1. Keep at it. I still meet with my school buddies online. I had some friends here that I met through my kids but they have moved and I havent really found more people to hang out with. It’s lonely.

    Biggest thing is to take initiative and invite people to things.

  2. As someone whose not very good when it comes to social situations – I’m going to offer my advice anyways.

    I think it’s great that you’re doing all those things to put yourself the position to meet new people. Maybe it’s just a matter of keep plugging away until you do end up in a group of people that you can jive with. Maybe you just haven’t found that yet.

    Perhaps you need to be more outgoing? Especially in the situations you described, I think being a little overly vocal(within reason) might help others be more open towards you? Kind of let your personality out a bit… Show others who you are and see if anyone gravitates towards it.

    Good luck.

  3. friends aren’t real, it’s just people using other people to their advantage.

  4. It takes time and you don’t always jive with the people. Having a few things you are interested makes it easier.

    For example, I like drinking rare beers and golf. These are easy things to connect with and lead to natural opportunities to hang out.

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