Has a women ever told you she wasn’t ready for a relationship, then actually come back when she WAS ready?

  1. She didn’t use that exact line but one of my best relationships started out by her rejecting me after two days and coming back later when the more handsome guy turned out to be a jerk.

  2. No, and that ‘not ready’ bullshit can get fucked. It’s such a weak, wishy-washy cop out.

    If you’re not ready now then you never will be.

  3. Yes. We dated in our late teens. I was head over heels but she broke up with me suddenly. I didn’t find out til later the actual reason (I was a virgin and extremely timid, she later told me it was because of my inexperience. She was my first bj, btw. Anyway, we sort of remained friendly I guess. She got married about 6 years later after college. Maybe 2 years after that I get a phone call late one night and it’s her. She’s divorcing her husband and she’s always had her mind on me. Oookay. by that time I was both over her and in another relationship. She tried again not long after, but my situation was the same.

    We did have sex for fun a few years later when we were both single, nothing came of it. Just fun.

    I’m married now. She’s married again. We went our separate ways but are friendly.

    The moral: don’t wait around or pine for her, especially if you’re young. If it’s meant to work, it will.

  4. Yup had a summer fling, said I wanted something serious, she wasn’t ready.

    Year Later we get flirty again, I have her in casual only category now. She wanted something more. I said no. We are still good acquaintances, no hard feelings.

  5. Yep, and during that time my feelings for her grew cold, so I returned the favour.

  6. I can’t speak *for* my boyfriend but I guess I can relay how it went on my end :
    To keep it short, we worked together. I got out of a pretty gnarly relationship & my now bf & I were pretty decent friends at that point. We started sleeping together & I wasn’t ready for shit else. We gave dating a shot. Think it lasted ….3 months ? We went our separate ways and I told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship right now. We stayed friends, ended up becoming best friends, but continued life separately. We both dated other people, and *respectful of the relationships* stayed in decent contact. This was back in 2018 I think. Both of our relationships ended on their own. We stayed in contact.

    Anyways, he “stuck around for me” without waiting for me if that makes sense. Same for myself. I ended up telling him I was in fact ready/ wanting to be with him & we’ve been going strong since.

    He says he doesn’t regret any of it & he says he’s very happy. I think I could’ve still done a lot more work for myself before him and I got together this time, but thankfully I’m in a better place to actually be a decent girlfriend this time.

    Anyways TLDNR: from a females perspective, I’ve said this to SEVERAL men over my lifetime. I’ve meant it once when I said “I’m just not ready for a relationship right *now* ” . I’m happy, he says he’s happy. It worked out.

    Not sure how or why it ended up working out in the end, but the man is a fucking gift to my life. I adore him.

  7. No. Because when she said that what she meant was that she doesn’t want a relationship with *you*.

    As a lifetime rule of thumb, everything that is spoken by men or women as a rejection or as part of a break-up is constructed for its effect, not to truthfully inform. I.e. they say it to get you to go in peace, or for revenge, or whatever. If it happens to be true then it’s a coincidence.

  8. When women says “she isn’t ready for a relationship” it really means she is not interested in YOU. If they come back later it means they ran out of other options and you are a backup option. If that happens just tell her, “Sorry I am already in a relationship.”

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