I went to college for a year I got an accounting certificate then dropped out, no I’m not working in a related area I hope one day get back to college, I still have time…

  1. I got a degree in electronics. First job out of college was in telecommunications and power distribution. Now I work in medical benefits and billing. No job I have had since graduation has used my degree oddly enough.

  2. BS Information Technology. I am a network admin. I worked in IT a decade before I got the degree.

  3. In undergrad, which I did in Scotland, I did Spanish French and Portuguese. Master’s is international public policy and management

  4. Aerospace engineering from a big state school but not my state’s school.

    Yes I am, and have been since I graduated.

    I understand my experience is not typical.

  5. I got a BA in History and minored in American Government. I work in a business/finance related field now.

  6. I graduated only two weeks ago with a Bachelors majoring in Meteorology! Tomorrow I deploy with a research team chasing storms and using drones to gather data about them! It all started with the movie twister and right out the gate I got my childhood dream job! Afterwards I go for my PhD at Ohio State and will be working towards achieving my adult dream job which is doing research of katabatic winds in Antarctica (if I’m lucky enough to even do observational work anyway).

  7. Botany bachelors, biotech and genomics in two grad school runs

    Not even remotely close to doing work related to those. I work in sales enablement

  8. I have dual degrees in English and Classical Studies and work as a school teacher

  9. Chemical engineering. I first went into the oilfields, so not very related, and now I work for a gas analyzer company, so a bit more related there.

  10. Biochemistry and now I am a lawyer working in insurance regulation. Soooo not overly related.

  11. My bachelor’s degree is in biology. After that I went to veterinary school and got my DVM, and I work as a veterinarian.

  12. Computer Science. I don’t work in the field as I make more money doing something else.

  13. BS in audio (tons of physics, electronics, acoustics, and a little music mixed in), and an MS in telecom focusing on wireless communications. Spent many years designing Audio and video systems for all types of places. Now I am a program manger for deploying audio/video/other tech projects around the world. Pretty related I suppose.

  14. Fine arts degree, then accounting masters, work in financial systems (basically IT for accounting/finance)

  15. Got a degree in chemical engineering. I’m currently working as a production engineer for a a pharmaceutical company, so it’s pretty in line with what I went to school for

  16. I majored in a series of about 5 different things before I finally got my degree in Civil Engineering. I then spent 18 years working in totally unrelated fields before returning to CE, where I finished out the last 17 years of my career.

  17. Political science for undergrad, then sociology and public administration for grad school.

    I worked in analytical roles for social service provision for almost a decade, then geopolitical and economic analysis for an intelligence firm, and now am a professor of sociology specializing in research methodology. I also teach some lower division economics classes on the side.

    I would say yes, I work in my field.

  18. Physics. I work in health care. It’s not unusual for people with science degrees to work in very different fields. IDK about other degrees.

  19. Journalism and Mass Communication with a focus in Public Relations.


  20. My BA is in History. I went back to school a few years ago at a community college to get my paralegal certificate. Now I have a job working as a legal assistant for a state government agency. So not exactly? A lot of people who get history degrees go on to work in law though.

    I did briefly consider going on to grad school to get a Master’s in Historic Preservation but I was so sick of being in college by that point that I didn’t bother.

  21. Majored Economics. And I now work in real estate.

    So, as far as working in a related area…yes and no.

  22. My bachelors was Arts military history/ military science but with all the requirements for pre-med. I was on active duty.

    I then went to medical school. Graduated, went back to the military…

    Now, 90% of my civilian friends are no where near working in their college major. My military buddies have had MUCH more focused majors and remained military/ government/ civil service in a related field.

    Quite a few friends thesis are classified…

  23. BA in history. Currently a stocker in retail(graduated in December 2019 right before COVID hit and waited until after I graduated to get a job. So my timing was awful) but I’ve been trying to get into the government, either federal or state. Haven’t had success so far, despite getting interviews, but I’m very stubborn and am still trying.

  24. Political sci major. Work in compliance for a major financial services firm.

  25. Criminology/Sociology, and yes I am working very much so in that field as a criminal defense attorney

  26. Bachelors in Communications. I guess I wound up in a related field (film distribution), but I have never once used anything I learned studying my major in college.

  27. English with an emphasis on creative writing. Wrapping up a fun 39-year career in advertising. So, yes, I made good and profitable use of my career.

  28. Fine Arts and nope. (Although skills i learned from my college are surprisingly useful)

  29. I got a business degree and now I’m a captain for a large fire department. At this level there isn’t much crossover but once I promote to the battalion chief level and beyond it will be more applicable.

  30. I got a degree in psychology and worked in an unrelated field. I knew when I got my degree that I didn’t want to have a job related to psychology (or at least directly related, I think psychology can be applied to almost any job, especially as a supervisor/manager). Now I’m back in school getting a degree in nursing and plan on working as a nurse.

  31. I have a marketing degree and work in marketing, but that’s only because the company paid for me to get my degree. This is my third career, so my previous schooling was in other areas.

  32. I dropped out of art school, then years later got my AS in Drafting and Industrial Design for manufacturing.

    I got hired at an engineering firm and design substations now, not manufacturing, but I use CAD every day for my designs, so technically I work in a field closely related to my degree. Wouldn’t have gotten this job without it.

    OP, you definitely still have time. I went back at 34 and it took me 4 years to get my two-year degree. 100% worth it. r/backtoschool helped a lot to get me through the harder times, so I suggest checking them out.

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