What advice will you give to the person dating your ex?

  1. it’s been enough years now that i don’t know her anymore

    i hope they’re happy but i don’t really care otherwise

  2. Run. I know the sex is good but it aint worth it. Shes a sadistic narrasstic sociopathy. The second she tired of you she will try to do everythin she can to destroy u as a person.

  3. None. They didn’t ask your opinion to start dating, they don’t need it to keep it going.

  4. Is this a thing that people actually do…? Their relationship is none of your business.

  5. Don’t dare to have feelings or she’ll tell you how wrong you are. Otherwise, have fun

  6. You can’t trust her as far as you can throw her. You can’t rely or depend on her either. She doesn’t manage her children very well nor can she quite afford to support them properly because she struggles to maintain entry level jobs.

    She’s super hot and dynamite in the sack but once the novelty of that wears off….well…good luck!

  7. Goodluck. He will love bomb the hell out of you, he has avoidant attachment style, then to compensate for that he will offer you gifts and sex:)

  8. If I like the person I tell them to run. If I don’t like them, nothing.

  9. I already gave him good advice. “You just asked that guy to draw blood immediately after a transfusion…you need to get your shit together and remember some time needs to pass before you draw from a patient with a fresh transfusion. You don’t need to pick up 7 patients, you’re a med student. Not a doctor.” It doesn’t have anything to do with her but still i gave him advice. Turns out he was all in a tizzy because of my psycho ex

  10. Good f***ing luck… But I don’t want to ruin the surprise for them…

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