Do you curse around your kids? How old are they?

  1. I’m 35 weeks pregnant with my first and I plan on cursing around him and just teaching him when it’s appropriate to do so words are only bad if people give them power

  2. I have around my daughter. And she has around me(shes 13). However, I tell her to not do it in front of her mother or grandmother

  3. Yes but I don’t cuss that much so it’s not like a big thing. My kids are 8 and 10 and they’re allowed to cuss too but they literally never do. 🙂

  4. Yep, I do. She’s 8.

    She keeps asking if she can say certain words, but I just tell her that they are adult words and she can’t say them yet. Seems to do the trick for now.

  5. I generally try not to. They are 5&7. I don’t make other people watch their language and instead try to teach my kids that adults use language that could be viewed in certain ways and they can use it when they understand when and how to use them. If I do curse, I’ll try to redirect to kid appropriate words so they know there are alts.

  6. Yes. He’s 6. Even if I didn’t, my extended family is pretty uncensored with cursing so he would get his fill.

  7. I have a three month old and a 3 year old. I definitely don’t swear when talking to them, and I avoid swearing when they are around (occasionally I mess up). At this age they can’t understand how to code switch or what constitutes an acceptable context for using that language. So for now I aim set a good example

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