President Biden has stated if China invades Taiwan, America would use its military to assist Taiwan. Would you be in favor of sending your brave young men and women to war?

  1. Depends on the circumstances, but, more than likely yes, I would support an armed conflict with China.

  2. The United States needs Taiwan more than the US military needs goodwill.

    Taiwanese factories are a geopolitical requirement.

    The US will intervene.

  3. It is very easy to defend a Chinese invasion of Taiwan without boots on the ground.

    Keep in mind there is no land connection. China invading Taiwan would be like all the failed attempts to invade the UK.

    We have the largest navy with more aircraft carriers than all other countries combined.

    We have the largest Air Force, and the US Navy has the 2nd largest.

    With these factors, it is impossible for China to even set foot on Taiwan.

  4. He only stated that because he knows China is decades away from being capable to do so at best, let alone any political implications.

    I am against war as a general principle.

  5. Taiwan produces over 60% of the worlds semi-conductors and almost all of the new cutting edge conductors. China invading Taiwan and the US interceding would not just be another instance of the US dabbling in foreign affairs, it would be to prevent what would absolutely destroy the world economy and put most every other country in the world at the mercy of dictatorial government for their access to advanced technologies.

  6. We would just have to park a carrier group in the Strait of Taiwan. China has limited ability to conduct amphibious operations without trying to doge US Navy ships

  7. War with China would be incredibly bloody and stupid. The United States is not prepared for it, and the military is a paper tiger. I think Biden is bluffing but if he does manage to bumble us into a war with China America will be in for a real shock.

  8. China invades Taiwan, and we use military force to help

    Russia invades Ukraine, and we send them a little money and a few gun for them to hold while they die.

    Why is Taiwan more special to Biden than Ukraine?
    Why is Biden more willing to fight China than Russia?

  9. Yes, for both geopolitical reasons as well as supporting Taiwan’s independence.

  10. Yes. I wouldn’t be happy about it, but I’d be even less happy about China invading and conquering its neighbors. I don’t think a mere promise of financial aid to Taiwan would deter China sufficiently. And since a promise of military aid must be fulfilled for other nations to believe it’s sincere, and one of the pillars of US power is its promises to defend its allies militarily, if China invades Taiwan the US must intervene.

  11. >Would you be in favor of sending your brave young men and women to war?

    fuck no!!

  12. You frame the question as though the president only just came to that decision. The US has been committed to military defense of Taiwan for decades, pretty much since WWII.

  13. I am completely in favor of it.

    The Chinese Communist Party is a Terrorist Organization which rampantly commits crimes against humanity and genocide. I acknowledge that Taiwan is a free and legitimate nation and the lawful and rightful government of all China.

    In the event of an attack on Taiwan, I fully support use of ALL arms up to and including nuclear to prevent the gangsters of the CCP genociding yet -another- group of people.

    The short and simple way, pop 3 carrier groups off Taiwans east coast and the straight will be completely secure and we’d have total air dominance.

    Once Ukraine wins, we should up production of TOWs, Javelins, Patriots and various antiship missiles for Taiwan’s defense.

  14. Yeah I would probably be one those young men but like I believe in protecting democracy from authoritative regimes so it would be a death I would be proud of.

  15. The Republic of China has been our friend and ally for nearly a century. They are a vibrant democracy, trade partner, and contributor to global stability and advancement. If some fascist acting commie dictator wants to mess with them I would hope to God we would come to their aid and keep them free.

  16. We learned during World War 2 that if you appease rather than contain when a dictator proposes and actively engages in wars of conquest, the results tend to be bad in the long term.

  17. We cannot allow China to take Taiwan. Not omly for geopolitical reasons, but also because if they succeed, they would see no reason to stop there.

  18. Does OP know that the People’s Republic of China is about to wage war with the Republic of China? If so, when?

  19. To prevent a war between China and Taiwan is the best approach, but if China were to invade Taiwan, the United States would absolutely get involved. The least it would do is doing what it has been doing for Ukraine; the likelihood of direct military intervention is also not negligible. Defending Taiwan against China is much much easier to gain the support of the public than any of the US interventions in the Middle East, so I don’t think that’s going to be a concern either.

    For strategic reason, we can’t allow China to gain access to advanced chip technologies, and to completely change the status quo in the Pacific. Out of principle, the American people would be a lot more supportive of the United States defending a democracy.

    China is screwed if it invades Taiwan, regardless of the outcome. Losing a miliary campaign against Taiwan means Taiwan’s automatic global recognition as a sovereign and independent nation. And if China loses a war against Taiwan, then it would be likely that the PRC would no longer exist in its current form. Even if China were to take Taiwan militarily, international sanctions, global isolation, and an unstable Taiwan region would push China back for decades; gaining access to chip technology and rabid ultra nationalism won’t offset all the losses either.

  20. Considering China’s last major war was in Vietnam in the early 80s (where they took atrocious casualties) and their only recent *army* experience is getting seal clubbed (literally) by Indians in Kashmir and doing small counter-terror operations in Africa, they’re still extremely unproven.

    Their navy hasn’t fought a major engagement in its entire history. Both of their carriers use cope-slopes and are non-nuclear powered, none of their ships are nuclear powered.

    Chinese metallurgy is known to be extremely low quality (not just talking pig iron). My Uncle works in the RV industry and has taken multiple trips to China to bitch out the suppliers for their shoddy work. Corruption is rampant in their industrial sectors and politics interferes with the military *a lot*.

    In *worst case* war game exercises, the US loses one carrier *maybe*.

    We’ll be fine

  21. Yes.

    The People’s Republic of China is essentially the 21st century’s Nazi Germany (right down to the concentration camps for ethnic minorities), and Taiwan could very well be their Poland.

    Nothing is ever “enough” for expansionist regimes. Hitler was not satisfied with annexing Czechoslovakia, Putin would not have been satisfied with occupying Ukraine, and Xi Jinping will not be satisfied with “reunifying” Taiwan, and if they ever invade, the world must either stop them there or get ready for World War 3.

  22. Absolutely.

    The US isn’t perfect but not only is there strategic importance, this would be the war of the century to decide if autocracy or democracy will rule the world.

    The war to end autocracy. Except this time we would end it.

    This would be a disaster though, we are taking casualties making WW2 look like a joke. We need to hope this doesn’t actually happen. The Chinese gambit is no US response; as long as we show a will to reply they won’t march.

  23. We wouldn’t have a choice. Most of the world’s trade goes through the Taiwan Strait. It’s not something we could avoid. I would support assisting Taiwan mostly because our economy cannot survive if China takes over.

  24. I’m for supporting Taiwan for a few main reasons.


    Taiwan is a democracy and much easier to work with when it comes to trade and international agreements.


    As many said, Taiwan is one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in the world. Thru could withhold sales, shipping, and production of these chips if they really wanted to. That gives them a lot of economic power and leverage…

    Remember the 2019-now semiconductors shortage? Due to covid… Now, imagine a communists dictatorship that gets upset eith the ability to do this again at anytime…

    **why stop?**

    A bigger question I have is… why would China stop after Taiwan? We have already seen them gobble up Hongkong and Tibet, so why wouldn’t they go for Vietnam?

    I don’t really think China would take over Asia, but I definitely see them pushing their weight around for water rights and pushing boarders a bit.

  25. Yes, two major reasons is that 1. China will become a larger problem to America if we don’t hinder thier expansion. 2 Taiwan microchip industry.

    There will be alot of dice throws when it comes to the first power peer to peer conflict in half a century but America has the advantage of blocking Malacca, as well as targeting the 3 Gorge dam.

  26. Protecting the people of Republic of China from the horrors of the Chinese Communist Party is a noble cause.

    The sooner the Chinese Communist Party is consigned to the scrap-heap of history alongside the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the National Socialist German Workers Party the better.

    I still say it was Nixon’s second greatest error to warm up towards China. Going to China, recognizing the PRC etc. was yet another of Nixon’s failures.

  27. There is only one legitimate government of all of China. It is based in Taiwan.

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