like when the class douche goes up to you and starts messing with you, the standard “hey my friend thinks your cute” kinda stuff. how do you get them to stop without making a huge scene? thanks.

  1. The best way I’ve found is to give them an earnest answer. Like for your example, “oh do they? Can I have their number?”, just very bland and deadpan. It takes all of the wind out of their sails.

  2. Just blow it off…”oh whatever” while you walk away tends to shut things down.

  3. That’s always a difficult situation.
    Violence or being aggressive can often make the situation worse.
    Obviously struggling to ignore the Assholes can motivate them. Sometimes honestly reacting to the situation can often be a good starting point.
    Remind yourself that you are not the reason they became Assholes!
    If you have someone you trust, talk about it.

  4. Stare at them with an annoyed “wtf” look, like they are acting like an idiot. Let them own their uncomfortable behavior. Don’t play along, don’t respond, let them dig their own hole.

  5. My favorite text back to answer annoying/unnecessary things should work…..just hit em with a “k” and get back to what you’re doing. If they try to keep the conversation going just keep hitting them with the k’s. What they want is a reaction out of you so just don’t give them that. Like others here said, they’ll get bored and leave you alone if you keep calm and don’t make it fun/interesting for them at all. Sorry you’re having a rough time. Just remember you’ll be in the real world soon and most people don’t suck so hard I’ve found. 😁

  6. Pretend you didn’t hear them and ask them to repeat themselves a couple times and then go “oh ok” and move on to something else

  7. Treat them like they’re acting weird, because they are. Normal people don’t bully other people. Bullies are weirdos, and so are their flying monkeys. React to both accordingly.

    Bonus if you want to be proactive: Be super confident and friendly to them and everyone else outside of that. It can pressure them to stop, and you get new friends.

  8. Make it boring for them. Don’t care. Look at him with complete disinterest or laugh at him as if he’s making a fool of himself, then carry on with what you were doing.

  9. This is what I did in high school and still do (I guess I’m a target)… with a straight or serious but not vulnerable face, ask them: “Are you making fun of me?” Some people will automatically realize they are bad and stop or deny it and stop. Some might say, yeah haha. Then, you can say something like, “Well, it’s too bad you’re such a shitty human being.”

  10. Say “what did you say?” People often don’t realize the words they say when they are insulting someone. If they have to say it again they will most likely think about their use of words and feel guilty

  11. Just stare at them for like 5 seconds to make them feel awkward then Continue what you were doing

  12. I just look them as if if they were immature kids doing something stupid and answer with the most disinterested tone possible, most people get the message

  13. Don’t engage – the more you do the more fuel you give them. It stops being fun for them when you don’t react and just smile and walk away without saying a word. They are looking for a reaction – don’t give them the satisfaction.

  14. The art of not giving a fuck my friend. Master it and they will eventually become tired of picking on you I swear…

    These people’s energy get fed if they see you upset. Don’t…

  15. If it’s a text, google “cursed images in black and white” and send the person some pics along with some cursed text which you can find if you google “cursed text generator”.
    If it’s face to face I recommend you look deep in their eyes like you’re looking inside their soul and say “good, some company for the night” in a dead serious tone while keeping eye contact and without blinking. Have fun trolling!

  16. Maybe I’m petty but I’d probably stare at them deadpan maybe cringe a little and say “not interested” loud enough for their group to hear. Humiliate them back

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