Do Americas hate Prince William and Princess Kate due to what Meghan and Harry said?

  1. I’d bet that 95% of Americans have no idea what “Meghan and Harry said”. I’d also bet that of those Americans that do know 99% don’t care.

  2. We are 100% not invested in the Royal Family. Any news about them occupies our thoughts for however long it takes to read the article, then is summarily dismissed with a thoroughly ambivalent “…that was interesting” to go about the rest of our day.

  3. I think most people liked the queen. Not sure anyone really cared much past that point.


  4. I don’t think about the royals all that much. Kate has nice hair. Will looks like his dad. I watched the Harry and Meghan Netflix show while folding laundry.

    I couldn’t imagine having a strong enough opinion on any of these people to “hate” them.

    They’re reality TV stars to Americans, we don’t have a strong connection to them. There was a whole war about that in the 1700s, lol.

  5. I care as much about the royals of Britain as I do the royals of Malaysia: That is to say that it seems to me as an outsider a weird tradition of keeping the hereditary dictatorships going, alongside all the fanfare that came with it, with minimal benefits beyond the tabloidy kind of stuff.

    I don’t care about what any of the British royals, and I view them the same way I view any other trust fund babies: They seem like vaguely bad people until they prove me wrong.

  6. I don’t like them or hate them. They exist. Hereditary monarchy is stupid. The end of my thoughts about them

  7. There’s a niche audience of people who are into the royals like there are people who religiously follow other celebrities but like others have said, most don’t pay any attention at all and don’t care one way or another. I fall into that category for sure

  8. We genuinely don’t think about them and wish people would stop asking.

    They’re UK people of generational wealth. Like… that’s it. They’re rich people. So?

    Why would we care what one set of rich people said about another set of rich people?

  9. Hate is a strong word, but I would say I dislike that they’re famous essentially just for being famous, and that the royals hoard their unearned wealth.

    As to what they said, I have no clue. Why anybody would bother keeping up with them is beyond me.

  10. I don’t hate them or anything, but if I saw them driving past I’d definitely spit on their car just because I could.

  11. I don’t even know who the fuck William or Kate are, much less what the fuck the other two said about them. I would have to be paid to even begin giving a fuck about what any royalty says.

  12. No, not really. I actually think well of them because unlike Harry and Megan they don’t seek constant attention.

  13. I do not care about the Royals. We Americans fought a whole revolution to NOT CARE!

  14. Hating William Louis or Katherine Middleton would involve devoting more time to them than they’re worth.

  15. We don’t care, but Meghan is ours and we see when the British press are racist assholes towards her.

  16. I could not possibly care less about any of them. Seriously.

    That’s not a figure of speech.

    I would rather sit on a hot metal bench with no pants on in the middle of July and count my pubes than pay attention to some inbred British people in funny clothes.

  17. Hate is a really strong word. I’m more indifferent rather than like or dislike.

    Also, I have no idea what Harry and Meg said. Most other Americans probably don’t know or care either.

  18. I just want them to go away. All of them are constantly in my newsfeed and it is obnoxious.

    I don’t care enough about any of them to hate them.

  19. I dislike royalty period but do I hate them personally? No, because I don’t know them.

  20. I don’t know what Meghan and Harry said. I don’t know enough about any of them to care and have no desire to learn.

    People into celebrity gossip will follow this kind of thing, but outside of that special interest group I would be willing to bet most Americans are like me.

  21. The don’t think the vast majority of Americans have any interest in the royals to begin with, let alone know what Meghan and Harry said.

  22. I am very happy America doesn’t have Royalty. One of the things I like best about living here. I strongly believe in leaders being elected to power rather than born it into.

    That being said, I loosely follow the drama (what I catch on TV or Reddit), mostly because I just like to read news in general. However, I find it hard to pick a side in the quarrel between William/Kate and Harry/Meghan. Here’s why: I abhorr any idea of racism coming from royal family towards Meghan and their kids. That’s just gross. William and Kate also seem so stuffy. But Harry and Meghan just won’t let the spotlight go. They ask for privacy, and then he a writes a book spilling ALL the tea 🍵. Seems hypocritical.

    Not our problem though luckily. 😉

  23. I would say most Americans are indifferent to them.

    That said, send Harry and Meghan back to England with James Corden. We don’t want them here.

  24. We nothing them. Don’t care. Why would we care what Meghan and Harry said?

  25. No, they’re mostly looked on favorably or indifferently. But I have no idea what it is they said. Something about America?

    I don’t think most people here like Harry and Megan, though. Or, at least Megan. It’s pretty obvious that she’s narcissistic. No idea what Harry is really like, but I’m fairly certain she calls the shots.

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