On a regular week, I work 40 hours. I am single and my only dependent is my dog. Financially, I am comfortable-ish and I’m not desperate for hours. I’m new to this career thing, though, and management at my job is awesome. I had to reschedule these off days twice. They even called in extra help to cover my position while I’m gone. It feels like a shit move on my behalf to say nothing, but I have been guilty of self sabotage in the past (especially around authority figures – namely, teachers and managers) and I *hate* being dishonest. I know that everyone has different experiences, but what would you do? How can I handle this situation without drowning in guilt when I return to work?

1 comment
  1. Let your manager know that your plans changed and you can come in that day, but make sure to tell them that you are fine with still having the day off, if you are not needed due to them already sending coverage. That way, they can decide if they are going to need you. Just make sure to stay available until that day, in case they find out that they will need you and you won’t have to tell them no because you re-made plans.

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