So I’ve noticed he last 2 weeks my gf has started to back off, more blunt replies, no phone calls. not asking questions, doesn’t answer my questions, just sends pictures of herself with no text. Which is really out of character for her

Now what’s the best way to navigate this? Is it to address it head on and say that I’ve noticed her being more disinterested or just not mention it at all and not reply to her.

I have breifly tried not replying to her for a day and she asked what’s up so I think she may care. Also I am seeing her next week,(she’s meeting my sister for the first time) and will probably ask then but in the mean time it’s killing.


GFS become more distant and I’m not sure if should confront her about it or just let it slide and move on slowly

1 comment
  1. Don’t not reply but if she’s going to lower effort you could do the same as well, but that really depends on the length of the relationship. Anything more than 7-8 months and you should ask what’s going on

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