Tl;DR: I don’t know how to ask people that I am just becoming friends with in school to keep in touch over summer break and build our friendship.

Sorry for the long post.

I’ve had bad social skills my whole life, where I am too shy to talk to people unless I feel I have to. As a result, I’ve hardly had any friends my entire life. In the past few years, I’ve improved a lot, but I still have a lot to work on. I’m in high school and I’m about to get out for summer break in a few days. Typically, I keep to myself in class, but in one class in particular, I have felt more comfortable and I’ve been working with some classmates in a group. I’ve been talking to them, and they’ve been nice, and I would like to become friends with them and talk with them over summer break, that way we can become friends and they don’t forget about me by next year (which has happened before). The people are really nice, but how do I approach them about this without sounding weird and scaring them away? Do I just ask them for their social media? Do I tell them I want to be better friends? Any advice is appreciated.

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