I’m 19 and lately I feel as if I just can’t make connections to people. It’s really effected my ability to make friends. I’ve kinda been this way my entire life and have had trouble making friends even during my single digit years. I’ve been dealing with this constant feeling of loneliness and even though I’m okay being by myself now it still hurts knowing that I’ve never had strong enough connections to people where they feel like friends. I think it might be a personality disorder but I won’t know until I see a psychiatrist. I think maybe it’s just because I’m socially awkward or I tend to isolate myself but even when I’ve tried to get to know people my own age it’s like they don’t really take the time to get to know me or include me in activities they plan. I’m an outcast at school. The only person I feel some connection to is my adult best friend but she’s in her 30s and she’s dating my uncle so she’s practically family. I also feel a connection to my mentor who’s helped me a lot through high school but she’s also in her 30s and I feel kinda weird considering her my friend. I just find it a bit concerning that I can’t make friends with people my own age and was wondering if it’s just me. I know people suck sometimes but I’ve met so many people and not one of them I could say made me feel like I had a friend.

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