My(23m) gf(22f) canceled on our plans together due to her being to tipsy to hangout since she drank and watch movies with her friends earlier that day. She said she was too tipsy to hangout and we should reschedule even though she knew we were gonna hang out later today. I want to ask first if me feeling hurt is justified and second how should go about talking to her about it without coming off as commanding. I want her to be able to hangout with her friends but that day was my only day off and we planned days ahead of time.

  1. She’s 100% responsible for drinking too much. Her behavior was selfish, entitled, disrespectful, immature, and shows zero empathy for you.

  2. You absolutely have reason to be disappointed.

    Like I get it, she was with friends and got a bit carried away. It can happen. But that you had plans, she knew it, and on top of that it was plans for a day that you had off and you will otherwise find it hard to see her… it’s sort of hard not to take that as a commentary on how she ranks you as a priority. You’d have hoped she was looking forward to it and all that.

    And I think that is a worthwhile conversation to have. ‘I felt let down that you didn’t follow through, I’d have thought as your partner and given we planned ahead that would have made me a higher consideration’ and etc. See what she has to say because I suspect if you don’t address it you’ll just start to resent her.

  3. Yes. If this is how little she cares to spend time with you, why even bother with her?

    Of course, assuming this is the first time you should express how much you are upset. I would stop making plan for some time, and leave to her to see how she manages to organise it. Of course agree to meet only when it is convenient for you.

  4. Unfortunately you are not the top priority but her friends are. She sounds like she really doesn’t care about you. You are justified with feeling hurt.

  5. hahahaahahhaaa

    Grow a pair bro. I think you know the answer if you honestly ask yourself.

  6. Everyone can fuck up now and again.

    Is it OK for you to feel hurt about it absolutely. But be aware that if you walk down that road then it puts equal expectations on you.

    So no “but I just ran into the boys downtown and it’s the championship and they have a good table at the pub I’ll buy you dinner tomorrow babe” for you either.

    If it becomes endemic then it’s an issue. But a fuck up now and again isn’t the end all be all.

    But please tell her in a nice way without acting controlling that you got a bit disappointed.

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