while waiting on line at a bar I noticed this girl giving me some eye contact. After I get a drink I happen to be standing next to her in the venue. SHE walks right up to me and we start talking. We had about a 5-6 minute conversation about life, my ethnicity, where’s she’s from, when she moved here etc. after about 6 mins she says “well it was nice to meet you, il be around the bar find me later”. I open my phone and she puts her number in with no hesitation. she left the bar with all her friends about 20 mins later so I didn’t see her after. I texted her that night asking if she was still at the bar because I couldn’t find her at all.

Should I double text her (1-2 days later) or just wait for a response? I feel like I have nothing to lose but also don’t want to come across as needy and desperate?

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