Like, “wow I really like the way you did your make up today. Looks great”

  1. Great. I don’t put on makeup for it to not be noticeable, pay attention to my new cute eyeshadow damnit!

  2. Depends on the nature of my relationship with this man, SO – awesome, friend – that’s fine but kinda weird, co-worker or stranger – back off please

  3. It’d make me happy 🙂 it’s always nice to get compliments on my makeup!

  4. My make up is too subtle for most men to notice so I’d be weirded out.

  5. I would feel a little awkward but pleased and thank him for the compliment.

  6. I appreciate it when it happens. It doesn’t matter if it’s my husband, family, friends, or strangers.
    My husband once complimented my makeup with “wow, I love it when you do your makeup like that.” Over 10 years later, I remember it vividly, and it’s my go-to when I dress up and get ready to impress him. Haha.

  7. Good and nice!

    Definitely better than the makeup-related comments a lot of men seem to think are compliments but actually are not, such as:

    * “You don’t need all that makeup”
    * “Wow, I like how you look with no makeup on for a change” (usually said when I am in fact wearing makeup, just more minimally)

  8. “thanks this is a new lipstick” or whatever you’d say to a lady who complimented your makeup

  9. If a man says, “You look great today,” I’ll feel great about how I walk around looking today.

    BUT, if a man SPECIFICALLY comments on my makeup like “Wow! Your eyeliner looks great today! I like how you did the wings at the end. ”

    That is so flattering! Do you know how many hours and days in my life it took for me to perfect this shit? How many times have I accidentally stabbed my eye in black ink and feel hopeless as I watch those “3 easy steps” on youtube to create that look???? THANK YOU! I FEEL SO SKILLED NOW 😁

  10. some of my guy friends have commented that i’m giving them a euphoria “vibe” because i like to use gems and glitter sometimes!

  11. I’d like it! A specific compliment about something like eyeliner or eye makeup in general would be super nice, and I’d appreciate it!

  12. Appreciative, I’d thank him. I always feel more comfortable when compliments are about something I have control over/have worked on (like my makeup, workout progress or outfit) rather than inherited traits I just happen to have.

  13. Thats a nice compliment as it refers to an action/personal style etc.. not just like complimenting your genetics or some such thing.

  14. That would be a compliment that I’d actually appreciate from a man. I wouldn’t think he’s being creepy or sexualizing me or expecting anything in return from me. Which is a rare occurrence

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