
I recently started going to a gym and I see a lot of girls who could potentially be good friends but I am scared and awkward about approaching them. Does anyone have suggestions? I also want to be able to do stuff at the gym to make people’s days better and brighter. I was thinking of leaving little sticky notes in gym lockers? What do you all think?

Thanks kindly in advance ♡

  1. Leave people at the gym alone. DO NOT put sticky notes on lockers unless you want to get kicked out of the gym as well as making people uncomfortable.

  2. I wouldn’t do the stick note since it’s private property. But try to be friendly or say hi to regular people you see. People always say leave people alone at the gym but what they are really saying is they have anxiety. Plenty of people at the gym don’t mind being friendly. There are no rules in public space, sorry haters.

  3. Sticky notes are creepy, because they’re anonymous. If you wanna say something encouraging to someone, then say it. And face whatever consequences it’ll bring you. Maybe they’ll be grateful, maybe they’ll tell you that they don’t need your encouragement. Don’t hide behind sticky notes, because you’re afraid.

    I mean, personally I don’t need anyone at the gym to make my day better. Gym is already my happy place, I’ll leave happy, even if I don’t say a word to another human-being. That said, if someone just wanted to chat briefly about something related to training, I would enjoy that. As long as there’s actual point to it, and not just some kind of vague encouragement with assumption that I “need” it, because I would find it patronising.

  4. Become a regular and don’t make mean faces at people. If you’re working out by somebody and they seem open to conversation, make small talk.

    Personally, I don’t like talking to people at the gym. I just stay in my zone and leave.

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