Say you’re at a party/event/gathering and you meet an attractive woman. Everything is going great until she until she drops a bombshell that makes you nope out of the whole interaction. What would it be?

  1. She knows exactly how much ice it takes to fill a standard hotel bathtub.

  2. Shes really excited to show me her collection of works from a now-deceased, but once struggling Austrian artist

  3. Had this happen to me a few years back.
    She started making fart and shit jokes and talked about some serial pooper who was terrorizing her village. You know there comes a point where it’s just awkward even after several drinks.

  4. “Oh and this is Mike, we used to hook up but are just friends now.”

  5. Disgustingly sloppy ass belligerent drunk. Like the one that fall over all the time and are yelling and need help.

  6. If she’s had a recent breakup and is looking for a rebound. Even worse if there’s kids involved, which makes it even more messy and DRAMAtic.

  7. the answer to “is there anyone who thinks they are in a relationship with you?”

  8. I’ve had this happen playing pool with a cute chick. She thought the Moon Landing was fake. Ionization of the atmosphere stops any spaceships from leaving earth. Who knew?!?

  9. This actually did happen to me. I was at a party and this cute girl practically forced me to give her my number when I was leaving early and I set up a date the next day. After I told my friends this apparently it got back to the host who told me that she apparently tried to falsely accuse a guy at the party of touching her inappropriately but he had seen the whole thing and the dude never did anything except not go for her advances. I noped out of that very quickly because I know the host is an honest guy and it’s just not worth the risk for me

  10. I was talking to a girl once and this actually happened. She was pretty and very sweet. But then she told me after a couple of weeks of talking that she worked with her ex at the same job as a property manager. So they traveled together in the same car every day by themselves to go to properties to asses damage and clean up. I was like, I’m not even going to try and avoid this red flag. Noped the fuck out.

  11. Real story: on a date with a girl, she said she doesn’t really like immigrants. I’m an immigrant. She says “oh but you’re different, you’re here doing your phd…”

  12. Met a hot yoga chick, she seemed interested and then she told be about how she drinks her own piss and it’s natures holistic golden cure. Long step to stage right.

  13. Had a wonderful date with a girl but she thought it was appropriate on the first date to ask me if I was REALLY looking for something long term or just a hookup. Once is fine, though we talked about it before the date. I answered and told her I find hookups exhausting and not rewarding and quite stressful at times. I had come from long term relationships and was looking for another one.

    She said she didn’t believe me. So I restated myself and then she still said that she thinks men just say whatever to get sex then leave. So that was our only date. She basically refused to believe me due to her own insecurities, and ended up creating a self fulfilling prophecy by scaring me off. I was looking for something long term, but if you won’t trust me for my word I’ll just leave because I’m not starting a relationship by trying to prove something to you that I know is true.

    Peaceeeee. Oh and when I told her I wasn’t interested in a second date and wish her the best, she prodded me for days begging for an explanation of what was wrong with her. No honey I’m not playing that game. Insecurity kills.

  14. lol, so this doesn’t exactly fit, but I was in college, and there was this girl that I guess was a friend of one of my roommates making moves on me. First she told me I had a nice smile, then she told me her boyfriend lets her sleep around just “Don’t fuck any niggers”.


    Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

    I was a forever alone virgin, and still nope.

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