How do I stop being being naive about the world?

  1. Get beaten robbed and cheated on?

    This is an incredibly broad question, some context would help us provide a better answer to your particular situation.

  2. Go out more, read alot, more educational informative videos less mindless time waster entertainment. If you already aren’t doing those things.

  3. There’s no point. The world is bleak and pointless. Stay naive. You might learn loads and think, fuck it’s all so miserable and I can do nothing about it, I wish I’d never bothered to try and know anything.

  4. Experience is the only way to resolve naivety. The more you experience, the less naive you will be.

  5. Cultivate your cynicism, scepticism, and critical thinking. And then rise above it all to build a life you value.

    Pick apart people’s thinking and chatter. Identify wishy washy people, people that just regurgitate the latest talking points, and move away from them. Go toward people who are more thoughtful and considered.

    Read philosophy. Or even just take it in through podcast and YouTube videos. But reading is nice.

  6. Speak to people from all walks of life, don’t sit in an echo chamber (e.g. Reddit)

  7. Everyone has evil and good in them and its situations that expose that even ourselves

  8. I’m actually selling a course which might help you: *How to avoid conmen, get rich quick and hook up with hot chicks all the time.* Just $5,000, hurry as places are limited!

  9. Get a job or do volunteer work in an environment that brings you in contact with danger and/or the worst aspects of human beings.

  10. Experience. The older you get the more grey you’ll see. I looked at the world as very black and white in my 20s. Now I’m in my 40s and it looks far more grey. I’ve become pragmatic, and learned to look out for myself and my family first and foremost. In my 20s I would have told you that all lives matter, now I will tell you that my life and those I care about matter, FTW. I carry daily now and won’t hesitate to choose my life over yours, and if you mess with my kids: I’ve got 30 acres and a backhoe.

  11. I looked at your history. Wow, I can’t believe I’m doing this two days in a row, but I was right the first time…but are you Autistic? Because autistic people just don’t have the mental processes to naturally overcome their “innocence.”

    But reading and understanding how allistics work helps. Your innocence may actually be a lack of mentalization, not ignorance.

    If you go to and pass the tests(less diagnosis is valid in the autistic community!), I’d suggest immediately Ian Ford’s A Neaurodivergent’s Feild Guide to Earthlings. That’ll break your “innocence” more than the retraumatizing yourself because I’m sure you’ve already been through shit. Then, just keep reading about autism and allism on websites, books, reddit, and tiktok until you feel educated.

  12. Topic too vague. Do you mean world events? Watch the news or read articles. Do you mean how to navigate the world as a person? Go out and experience it, learn social skills, and listen to other people’s experiences and learn from them.

  13. For me it was the school of hard Knox. Basically life experience.
    Employers exploiting me, friends taking advantage, girls doing the dirty behind your back, realizing cops and government don’t have your interests at heart.

    It’s not all negative, as you use past experiences to improve for next time

  14. Start traveling in your city atleast every place , be open for talk with everyone and don’t make any notion about things be non judgmental
    And by reading too .

  15. Work in a charity that helps families that can’t afford food.🤷🏾‍♂️

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