Hi I don’t really know much about the sugar baby/sugar parent world. I know my girlfriend has had a sugar daddy in the past, and her friend currently has a sugar daddy and just invited my girlfriend to go with her to her sugar daddy’s yacht.

I just have no idea who’s going to be there, and I don’t know if there’s a chance there will be other grown men on the yacht expecting my girlfriend to give herself up for them in exchange for money, which I’m not comfortable with.

My girlfriend didn’t even ask me she just said yes and is excited about it.
Should I be concerned?

  1. From what I learned from the girl I knew in grad school who was a sugar baby, friends only get invited if they’re expected to join in.

    Her sugar daddy would occasionally ask her to bring a friend.

  2. Concerned about what? Your gf and friend are/were sex workers. Ask if she is going to be on or off the clock i suppose.

  3. What you wrote here roughly translates too: “My girlfriend has sex for money, with older guys. Should I be worried she’s a prostitute?” Know your worth, king.

  4. >My girlfriend didn’t even ask me she just said yes and is excited about it.

    Why does she need your permission?

  5. You’re dating a prostitute (and yes, this means she isn’t a former prostitute, for the right situation, it’s a current). What the fuck do you think is going to happen.

    She’s going to have a threesome with that old dude and her friend for money, that’s why she’s invited. She is assuming you’re cool with it because you knew you were dating a prostitute. If you don’t like this, then don’t date prostitutes.

  6. Yes you should be worried. No reasonably committed woman would want to put herself in that position.


  7. She could get raped even if she’s trying to do the right thing. She’s not putting herself into a safe position. He probably has friends on the yacht who will expect things of these girls, and won’t take no for an answer.

  8. I’m sure the rich guy and his friends invited your gf so they can have meaningful conversation about politics, the economy, and the state of affairs around the world.

    Don’t worry, she’ll be balls deep in thought with loads of of insight being thrown at her face.

  9. She about to do something strange for a little bit of change. Check her accounts after she cones home.

  10. While she definitely doesn’t need your opinion, I can see why you are concerned.
    It may be that the sugar daddy let his baby bring friends to enjoy the yacht for the day. It doesn’t have to be that she’s joining in as a sugar baby herself. Ask your girlfriend what is going on for the day, is she working or is she just a guest?
    I have had sugar baby friends that had all sorts of relationships. I was invited to dinner and events a few times as a guest and no one expected me to f them. Lol

  11. There will be, absolutely. The friend was asked to bring other potential sugar babies for yacht owners friends.

  12. I mean she is going to be on a boat in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of dudes. She knows about “the implications “ (please someone get the reference)

  13. Dude, you don’t own her, unless you put a ring on it. She can do whatever she wants. My GF is a model, and goes on adventures like this all the time. She promises to play safe and I trust her. If you want a monogamous woman, you need to either find someone less worldly, or get a yacht yourself.

    And for all those calling her a hooker or a sexworker/prostitute – the second you buy her a coffee/dinner/dates/movies/jewelry and you pay and expect her to reciprocate with sex/companionship – it’s still a transaction.

  14. I wouldn’t be concerned at all, I would just be gone from that mess. But you do you.

  15. This is a toxic world for relationships, so yes. It is her world though….So if you are in it, your expectations— regardless of what she says is filled with money, perks, trips, yachts etc…It is your world because she is your gf. So yes be concerned.

  16. The fact that she didn’t even bother to run it by you should tell you what you need to know. Even if she’s going there with the idea that nothing will happen, she’s still sticking her toes back into that world and ultimately since you can’t compete in material things she will get lured back into it. I’m generally not a “slippery slope”argue guy but this is the ultimate slippery slope to the end of your relationship

  17. Lol, another post mentions OP loving creative writing. Keep at it kid, this needs a bit more fleshing out and character. 😂

  18. If she thinks going is fine then she’s cheated before and thinks you’re fine with it. Go get tested for STD’s and find someone new.

  19. There’s a show on Bravo/Peacock called “Below Deck” about yacht life and there’s a lot of guests who are implied sugar daddies that bring 5-10 much younger women. I’ll let you do your own research lol

  20. Your girlfriend is going to get gang banged. Do yourself a favor and imagine what it would be like if you found a girl who actually was excited and loved to put effort into taking care of you and the relationship. A girl who actually thinks her body shouldn’t be bought or given to people. They exist.

  21. I’d probably say “if you don’t see how fucked up this situation is, and you go on the trip, we’re dont”

  22. No you should not be concerned. You should be sending all her crap that is at your place to her parents or friends or whatever. You should not be concerned, you should be getting her out of your life and looking for a girlfriend who won’t sell herself for a boat ride and some cash. You can do better. Hard to do worse.

  23. Your gf has had a sugar daddy before, and the company she keeps does the same. Do you really think this ends in your favor?

  24. If she is any kind of a loyal partner, she won’t participate in any of this. My advice would be have a long talk with her. Behind all the glitter and excitement, is always a small price.

  25. Straight up, I wouldn’t invest too much into this one.

    Just enjoy it for what it is until it runs it’s course. And ALWAYS use protection.

  26. You know what is going on. The tiger hasn’t changed her stripes-she is what she was

  27. She’s going to be turned out and she knows it. You’re the dummy here I’m sorry to say but that’s the kind of girl you are dating.

  28. Alright a couple things here.

    >I don’t know if there’s a chance there will be other grown men on the yacht expecting my girlfriend to give herself up for money.

    Well yeah, obviously. Thats literally the entire point of this event.

    And she’s done this is the past, so that’s a red flag. “Sugar daddy” is just a fancy way to say “sex work”. She was a prostitute, plain and simple. She might have been a long term prostitute, but that is 100% what was going on.

  29. So what’s the problem you don’t want your girlfriend to go on a yacht with her friends sugar daddy. If that’s how you feel then you should say something either she’s going to say that she’s not going or she’s going to tell you deuces. Either way you can’t tell her what to do this is her decision

  30. As a guy who’s seen escorts and ‘sugar babies’ (women that don’t want to admit they’re escorts), you don’t accompany a SB on a yacht for nothing. Her friend can tell her whatever she wants but she’s not gonna have much of a choice to say no if she’s out in the middle of nowhere. I had a very rich friend that had his sugar baby bring friends to his penthouse…he’d give all the friends 3K for a couple hours and fuck them all, even those that ‘didn’t sugar’. It’s hard to refuse when everyone else is going along with it and you have a ton of money in front of you.

    Add alcohol, drugs and a (likely) beautiful setting and it gets sloppy.

  31. 100% chance she’s gonna get railed, like about it, and then continue to rail the dude for money.

  32. Yes. Be concerned but let go of her. Find someone that will be loyal. You know why she is going

  33. The invite is to check out future bate.

    The sugar daddy relationship is purely business.

    As long as the sugar baby does as she is asked she gets paid.

    There are no social calls. They are ALL business calls.

    Get your head out of the sand. Your gf who knows the drill is hoping to land another job.

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