How do you put a cheating person on blast?

  1. It’s not worth it. The best revenge is to live your best life and leave them behind.

  2. Just don’t. Learn from it. Educate yourself on narcissistic traits. Get some probably much needed counseling. I emphasize that last one because I’ve noticed that dating after experiencing being cheated on has impacted me much deeper than I thought. I literally had a panic attack after a second date with this new guy I’ve been seeing and it’s been almost three and a half years since my divorce. I started counseling not long long after I started seeing him a month and a half ago.

  3. The ultimate power move I saw was a woman on TikTok who took her husband to a public restaurant and insisted on playing a game of hangman with her spouse. She made him guess her name. I would probably do something petty AF one on one and then promptly start a new career on a cruise ship and GTFO of everything stable in my life if it were to happen to me. Deleter my social media, resurface in 5 years when I have rediscovered myself.

  4. You can either tell everyone they know or put it on social media. Either way, you’re gonna look sad and obsessed lol, just don’t and move on

  5. If it’s a person you were in a relationship with that’s cheating on you, I suggest not going with the first action that comes to mind since decisions made in a state of high emotion may not be the best. Instead give yourself a couple of days to think of what you wanna do first and then go with that course of action.

    You do you and f*ck cheaters.

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