so i’m 22 m now studying computer science and i’m so obsessed with travelling and exploring the world. i keep watching travelers vlogs all day and even street walks in countries like japan and US.

but I’m a little bit self conscious about my size , I’m only 5’5 ( my growth got stunted because i had cancer when i was young and was having chemotherapy) and also i have a baby face so I look very young for my age and i’m afraid about my safety and whether some people will think i’m a teenager or something. i hate that i think this way but i’m just afraid my solo trip would not be a good experience so what do you think guys?

  1. Nah bro you’re overthinking it, unless it’s a bad neighborhood.

    Japanese men average at 5’7ish you’re only 2 inches off. US like 5’9. Either way not a big deal especially if you carry yourself like a 22 yr old man but even if you look 16 you’re still fine. I’m sure there might be some teenagers wherever you’re going. It’s not like someone will look at you and go “him. he looks nice and young” and just kidnap you. If this is that much of a worry, maybe just share your location and whereabouts with others and do most of your stuff in the day time.

  2. Thats cool, bro. I’m 22 too and also plan to explore and travel around the world. Wish you luck with your path.

    I think this issue would be a real problem in certain places in certain countries. For example, there’s places in jamaica that even the tallest foreigner would be in danger. I live in Brazil, and im pretty a tall guy, but even so a can fell very dangerous in certain key places here, you know?

    I think we have just to study and know the places we’re in and we’ll be ok. There’s no problem to look like you do when you know where we are walking.

  3. Walk around & tell yourself you’re 6’5 & look like Auquaman. F* the rest … just stay out of seedy areas.

  4. Sorry to sound sexist, but do you present as male or female? Because the problems you encounter will be different.

  5. Where are in the US are you thinking about? Something I feel like non-Americans can underestimate is the size of the US; it’s a 12 hour drive from New York City to Chicago, and a 30 hour drive from Chicago to Los Angeles. There’s also major differences between states in terms of culture and climate.

  6. No one cares how tall you are. Lots of solo travelers are 18-ish so worst case scenario people will think you’re just young.

    Go travel. Have fun.

  7. You need to learn how to carry yourself. If you look like a target people will pick up on that.

    To gain confidence try some day trips to areas that are safe but you’ve never been somewhat nearby.

    If you have a friend who has traveled a lot try and take a trip with them to learn the ropes or join a traveling group.

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