What is the best cooking tips/tricks you know?

  1. Always double the amount of garlic the recipe lists.

    If you have a specific set of spices you like together (e.g., paprika and thyme), use a spice container and pre-mix some of it. (I’m aware some people think this is a cooking sin, but it saves getting two spices out and trying to measure both).

    Quick roasted potatoes – oil and spices in a bowl, toss the potatoes in, put the potatoes on a cookie sheet with tin foil. Broil at 400 for half hour

  2. most (white) people don’t season their food enough so don’t be afraid to aggressively season!

  3. I bought a vegetable chopper and it was life changing. I absolutely love using it and no more tears while chopping onions.

  4. Not quite “cooking”… but freeze ends of bread loaves and blend them to make breadcrumbs. No food waste, no sad sandwiches.

  5. Unless you’re aiming at a very specific result, don’t stress too much. Even if you change something, it will still usually come out good. You don’t have bell peppers the recipe calls for? Add a different veggie. You’re out of particular spice? Use a different one. Yes, it will not taste the same, who cares, it’s just a meal.

    Baking is a little more tricky in some aspects, but there is still plenty of recipes you can honestly freestyle. Yeast cake, gingerbread, chocolate cake? Just go for it, whatever you do, it will be fine. Maybe wetter, maybe sweeter than you intended. Good food either way.

    When I was learning to cook, I was obsessed with making it perfect. I remember one time I made a caramel-topping cake and it was completely liquid. My father in law ate it with a spoon right out of the tin and was delighted with it. I learned to take it easy and it made the cooking way more enjoyable.

  6. – A tiny bit of cornstarch + simmering on medium heat works wonders for thickening runny sauces

    – add salt to pasta water (as salty as the ocean) it makes for a much better tasting end result

    – the best thing to counter something that tastes too salty is to add sweetness (like brown sugar, honey, etc) while cooking it

  7. When you’re fruit g something, always use a medium heat. It helps ensure an even cook without burning the outside and leaving the inside cold or under-cooked. Also, start heating your oil first- it takes about 10-15 minutes to get to the right temperature.

  8. Use a teaspoon to scrape the skin off fresh ginger. Also to scrape the seeds out of a chilli.

  9. Taste occassionally as you go. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make mistakes. Take care of your knives and they’ll take care of you.

    And you can never have too much garlic.

    For myself? Keep out of the kitchen while I’m cooking. I grew up cookin in restaurants and I cook at home like it’s a Sunday post church lunch rush.

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