I’ve been trying to deal with vaginismus for the last year and honestly it’s been very hard.

We have literally tried everything, romance, sex under the influence… but nothing works.

I’ve been dilating and doing pelvic floor physical therapy, and when I started it was impossible to even get the first dilator in, now I’m on dilator number three.

I know we are making progress but it’s so hard and I don’t want to wait anymore. I asked my hubby if he would be open to just forcing it.

Has anyone tried forcing it? Would it even work? I want it so bad but I’m also so scared and I could really use with hearing past experiences as well as advice.

Thank you guys.

  1. It’s incomprehensible to me that this is possible, but I’m no scientist/doctor. Perhaps it’s the flip side to my experience that the human body is an amazing construct: it can also be quite confounding or frustrating.

    That said, I’m not sure anyone sane, loving, or empathetic would enjoy forcing progress. I’d even go so far as suggesting that you and your partner keep trying as you have been until it does happen. Are there no other suitable ways for you to be satisfied in the meantime?

  2. Do NOT force it. You don’t want a tear. I speak from experience here, I got impatient and got ripped by 1.25″. Two months of recovery and so much progress lost.

    I know how you feel, believe me. It’s really frustrating, it’s emotionally challenging, it just sucks.

    It does get better though, you know the road is long but the pay off at the end is worth it.

    Have you considered anal? I found it significantly easier, we still do it quite frequently even though we can have vaginal sex now.

    Have you asked about muscle relaxers to help aid penetration? Depending on your root cause of vaginismus it could help. I have a hypertonic pelvic floor, I still take a muscle relaxer sometimes if I’ve skipped my exercises and tightened back up.

    Are you doing biofeedback?

    I’m sorry you’re going through this, I know it’s hard on both of you.

  3. Did your doctor give sexual instructions about how to use foreplay to losen you up? Do you and your partner know how to use foreplay? Is your partner overly big?

  4. You could try getting drunk maybe? Could help with the nerves and the pain.

  5. Well, that is possible as i learned my first time but it was rape because I didn’t want it same issue pain , but even worse after that looked like a bloody murder crime scene. More blood than the movie Carrie ..
    I had no idea what was happening or why that happened. I was traumatized for a long time.
    Glad i ruined his fucking mattress though what he did was wrong

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