Like, is there something you did that seems so unusual that you believe “no one else did this,” and that is why it’s still a source of shame?

  1. I’m embarrassed by the way I talked to boys in middle school and I’m ashamed I didn’t stand up to my father in high school

  2. stalked a guy I liked. I wouldnt say it is in the category of “no one did this” but I truly didnt understand what I did was wrong at the time. And my friends never called me out on my behavior, actually encouraged it somewhat. And tbh, if I hadn’t stalked him and actually overcome my social anxiety and talk to him and become friends with him, I probably would have had a chance but eh, the past is in the past, I learned my lesson, he ended up dating my friend but they seem happy together so I am happy for them

  3. i’m embarrassed i talked shit about my family on my diary. as i grew up i realized i was such an evil child and that i have the best family ever. i found that diary later when i was already an adult and i was so embarrassed i literally burned the pages

  4. I got a touch screen IPod around 13 and at 14 I found out I could talk to strangers. I quickly became HEAVILY addicted to sexting. It eventually lead to someone finding me on Facebook and blackmailing me when I was 18, I went to the police and everything. I have never told a soul, not even my therapist.

  5. I thought racism hadn’t existed for decades, but to be fair to myself, no one had told or shown me otherwise. It’s still embarrassing knowing what I know now.

  6. I used to make money off of guys in highschool by…well you know. Honestly it’s probably why I struggle with normal healthy relationships.

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