And I can smell it through her clothes when I lay on her legs sometimes although not as strong. How do I bring that up as it maybe an easy fix or it may make things awkward for her, she’s 30 and we’ve been dating 8 months now

  1. Every body is different and with that comes differences in smells, tastes, odors, lack of odors, whatever. How somebody smells or tastes can be affected by genetics, diet, health, medications, hydration or lack thereof, etc etc.

    That said, you can frame “Hey your pussy smells how about we figure out how to febreeze that shit” in the absolute nicest, most diplomatic Mister Rogers ass way and it will almost definitely not land well and will kick off massive anxiety and body shame in your partner. I’m not sure how you can go about making this a better experience for yourself, but telling your partner and making suggestions on how to improve it will go down about as well as getting her an exercise bike or blender for Christmas.

  2. Everyone smells different it can alternate between diets, ph balances or what she chooses to clean with and more. If it is seriously a drawback and causing an issue of course discuss it but definitely don’t use the comparison between your previous partners and her. Discharge is alot like sperm in the way diet or vitamin intake impacts the taste/smell. If she has a diet lacking in vegetables, fruits, proteins and doesnt drink alot of water that could be the ‘issue’. If she washes with feminine wash or harsh soaps that could be another collaborator and throwing off her PH balance. Underwear can be another upset for our vaginas, materials like polyester and nylon (commonly used to make lingerie and lace thongs/underwear). Ask these questions, and if it is seriously enough to make you gag it may go further than a thrown of PH balance and would definitely be worth speaking to her about. I am not a healthcare professional but i do have a vagina and have experienced issues caring for it before. Hygiene and proper care of vaginas is unfortunately not educated or spoken about enough so it could genuinely just be a lack of education/knowledge about her body.

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