We had morning sex and he put it in my vag, it slipped up between my buttcheeks but he put it back in my vag and continued.

I’m really scared of UTIs. I took a dose of d-mannose and have been drinking a lot of liquid. Anything else I can do?

  1. This is not at all an issue unless the inside of your butt cheeks were caked in feces.

  2. You can ask your dr about a prescription for a preventative antibiotic. I take one after sex to prevent UTIs

    Edit: For everyone giving me unsolicited medical advice- I’m gonna keep taking medicine as prescribed by my doctor that works for me, so you might as well save yourself the time and keep scrolling

  3. wash before intercourse as long as you are clean this should be more safe as he didn’t penetrate the asshole. also make sure he is washing the D. this is why couples shower time is great.

  4. I’m sure you’re clean in the butt cheek area, so it’s probably fine, but friendly reminder to always pee after sex to help prevent UTIs!

  5. Wash before intercourse, pee after. You should be fine. I would address the fear of UTIs. Why are you so fearful of getting a UTI? Most women will at least once in their lifetime.

    Edit: read about you having some nasty ones. I’m sorry to hear that! You should be fine, take some supplements for a healthy urinary tract and vaginal flora and you’ll be safe ❤️ My apologies if my initial response is unempathetic

  6. Just drink a lot of water and take more d mannose. I think you can take 8,000 mgs a day?

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