Ok, so for context, I am a currently a sophomore in high school. At the beginning of this year, my friend group from middle school/freshman year kind of split up, because some moved schools, which left me with only a few friends. I feel that, for being a quiet person, I’ve fared well this year, and definitely made some new good friends. However, the only issue is, all of these people are in different social circles, meaning that I don’t really have a “group” of friends, rather individual relationships. Unfortunately for guys (im a guy btw), everything in high school seems to work in groups/cliques. Thus, even though I get along with these people, I’m still kind of excluded from their group activities because I don’t fit into their circle. This means that apart from short, casual hang outs after school, I can’t really do much with these people and form a closer connection. Many social activities require, and are more fun with, a group (dances, parties, going to public places, etc.), but I feel like I can’t participate in these things. Because of this, I have no unified “group of friends” to rely on and go to for support. While I could go to them individually, I’ve learned that high school guys need a group to facilitate interaction amongst themselves, and rarely reach out to others individually.

Does anyone have advice as to what I should do in this situation? I think the best option is to try and join one of their groups, but idk how they would look upon a newcomer, especially when they are really close (would prob be really judgy and critical). I know people will suggest to form my own group with these people, but it is just really hard because they have almost no knowledge of each other, and everyone (including myself) is busy with school and activities, so it is hard to find a time where we could meet anyway. Any advice helps. Thanks!

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