Hello there,

I’d like to talk about something that’s been happening to me for over a year now. It seems that whenever i ejaculate, it’s like some semen gets stuck on my penis and this leads to me feeling like i haven’t had a “complete orgasm”.

You could say i have a 80% accomplishment rate when it comes to orgasms lol and while this remaining horniness sometimes allows me to get hard again in less than a minute, it also annoys me not being able to be fully satisfied whenever i masturbate or have sex.

Anyone with the same problem? Is it a condition for which should i see a doctor? Any opinions are more than welcome.

  1. Are you complaining that you can orgasm twice within minutes? It’s taken me years to learn how to delay or control the amount of ejaculation so I can have longer orgasms and you’re complaining? I wish I had that problem. More power to you bud😊👍

  2. I 100% have this issue as well sometimes, but only when masturbating. I’ve found that focusing on the actual movement and maintaining a steady rhythm instead of focusing on the orgasm helps out a lot.

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