Hi there

So, I met someone recently from an online dating app. We met at a social event, outside of an initial planned date.

I took the initiative to get their number and suggest catching up. Now, we have been spending a lot of time together – They say yes every time I suggest something. They come along to socialise with me and my friends, they seem happy to be in my company, and socialising even though they are somewhat of an introvert. They are new to my city, so perhaps they are just enjoying having new friends.

I am quite a reserved person myself, so I’m not overly flirtatious. I have been enjoying getting to know them, however I’ve dropped hints here and there of my attraction to be met with nothing to work with really. They have told me they are neurodiverse, and from what I understand they are queer – but may have never explored that side of them fully. I haven’t heard them speak about someone same sex they’ve dated yet.

I am very openly queer, so I think my attraction to them is pretty straightforward 😂 as “straight” as it can get, even though I haven’t initiated anything. I haven’t tried to touch them playfully because I can’t get a good read. Although we shared affection in a group setting. Do I just say something the next time we hang out? I don’t want to make them feel uncomfortable, and would like us to be friends otherwise. They are a little older than me, so you’d think they would be clear on the communication.. I’m not good at rejection. It’s been a couple of weeks now, so I am taking a step back and seeing if they initiate a hang out session.

What are your thoughts?

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