Do i have a chance in the dating market being 5″7ft

  1. Depends if you carry yourself right proper woman don’t care about what your height is as long as you’re confident but not to confident and carry yourself with respect and self control youll be fine kiddo also get shredded it helps

  2. If you’re able to be funny and charismatic, you will have a lot of great options. Height is only one factor that girls consider.

  3. It’s great just not the perfect height. 5’9” is the perfect height, or otherwise known as 69”.

    Be comfortable being you. I had a woman once ask me if I was going to grow? Because she thought I was very attractive. I just said I grow in other ways. She gave me a look like what? I said I grow on people, once you get to know me, and well if you want to go somewhere private I can show you how else I grow. We became fwbs for a while.

  4. Any height will be perfect for someone and awful for someone else.

    I’m 5’5” and dated men 5’4” all the way up to 6’2”

    I dont have a preference. But some do.

    Don’t focus on the ones who don’t want you.

  5. Just off my personal experience..I’d say yes. Im 5ft8 and its always raised when meeting a bumble date in person “I expected you to be taller” is what my last date said. Despite me repeating my height on my profile and mentioning it on voice chat..bit annoying as I feel like it’s the main reason I’ve yet to get a 3rd date before being friend zoned or ghosted. But I can’t do anything so I make the best of what I am.

  6. I’m tall and not charismatic at all. I haven’t found it to matter that much. Maybe I could get a more attractive girl to go out with me. But in terms of happy relationships, I think a lot girls don’t care that much about height

  7. Dude, I’m 5’5″, and I get plenty of dates. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It does make things more difficult, but you’re not doomed.

  8. Hey I am basically 6’3″ with any sort of shoes on. It’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Sure women say they want men 6’+ all the time. But it tends to make many things awkward unless she is also tall. I prefer 5’9″ + women.
    Try riding a bicycle or driving a small car. Or riding many pit bikes or even certain motocross bikes. I tend to carry the weight to go along with the height. That sucks too. Because many things I would like to try is so much more difficult being a tall and stocky guy. Or driving a racing go-kart. Not happening. Even fighter pilots and other similar machinery is best left to guys 5’6″-5’9″ and of limited weight.

    So look at the positive. You should be able to look right into the eyes of many beautiful ladies without straining their necks or putting a distance between them. And if it still bugs you get some cowboy boots with a decent heel on them, and that should give you an inch or two.

  9. I just sent a like on Hinge to a guy who’s 5’5 (I’m 5’1). I thought he was really cute. So don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine. 🙂

  10. You’re fine man, there are plenty of women who don’t care about height. My friend is 5’5” average looking and has had 3 semi long term relationships by 19. Personality is key

  11. Any girl that will not date you for your height is not someone that you would want to date long term anyway.

  12. You’ll be fine, there are tons of girls who are shorter than 5’7” or taller and do not mind. Don’t let your height be a limiting factor.

  13. I mean to be honest it’s considered slightly under average.but women like tall men to look up there is something about having long arms, torso. I like at least 6’1

  14. You also have to realize the older you get the shorter you’re getting.

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