okay so as the title says it, i got 2 love interests, i need advice.
(i apologize for grammar or spelling errors in advance, english isn’t my main language)
let me give u guys some small facts that might help:

– im switching schools in a bit more than a month or so and these guys are both in my current school

– my best friend(m15) is the first love interest, he isnt physically that attractive to me but we have kissed a lot and he is very in love with me, and he’s such a sweetheart.

– my other friend(m16) is the second one, he is way more physically attractive in my opinion. i didnt think he was interested in me till he texted me last night as we often do and he was acting flirty and he made a joke about me being his dream girl.
i might have missed clues before this convo tho, got autism so i dont catch on that quickly.

ok so i have felt attracted to the first guy for some time, we made out and then we “broke up” cause i felt i was losing feelings.
then i started hanging out with the second one more and we had such nice talks and stuff, i started developing a little crush i think haha
then i started kissing with the first guy again but now idk if i want to be with him like that anymore. i had fun with him but im losing feelings and i think im developing feelings for the second guy.

the first guy wants a relationship and idk if i want that, i think i have attachment issues lol

damn my life is messy

im in a pickle because i have 2 love interests and idk who i like and what to do now so im asking for your advice🥹

please gimme all the advice u got im panicking!!!

  1. Sweetie you are 16. Don’t take it too seriously. They are both probably talking to like a dozen girls and don’t even know what they want. Just talk to the one you want and listen to your gut. Don’t overthink it and have fun 🙂

  2. Honestly you sound like you’re falling in love with anyone who treats you kindly, I’d take a step back and just make sure you really wanna be with the second guy, the first guy you seem to have lost attraction to you’ve gotta take it a little more serious in a sense and not just keep going back to him when you’ve already lost attraction and stuff

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