Throwaway for obvious reasons.

My girlfriend has an armpit fetish; she loves sniffing, kissing and licking them. That I’m fine with.

Last night, she confided that she wants to have sex against my armpit… I’m not going to discourage her as it took a minute for her to work up the nerve but I’ll admit I’ve never heard of such a thing or seen how it’s done.

I did quickly google but there were a lot of results which weren’t really relevant.

Can anyone help? I don’t really know how to help her here but I would like to accomodate.



Missed some words out.

  1. I think you just ask her to lead. It sounds like she knows what she wants – just be an open-minded and willing partner.

  2. I love sniffing my husband’s armpits, but I’m not sure how I would have sex with them.

  3. She doesn’t need help. She just needs your armpits to grind to. If that crosses your boundaries than act accordingly and tell her. Otherwise, let her get her grind on. Communication is always key, maybe ask her what she would like you to do while she is doing her thing and also ask yourself how it can get you and your needs to a new level.

  4. If you don’t have a problem with the idea just go with it, let her show you what she wants

  5. Sounds like you lay on your side and raise your arm, then she can grind against it. Might be a little awkward at first but if you both adjust to be comfortable she can have some fun.

  6. My guess is that she wants to grind against your armpit, a little awkward but in terms of weird kinks this one is quite vanilla. Lets just hope you are not ticklish…..

  7. Lie down, let her grind on your armpit, put one hand (fingers) in her mouth and play with yourself with the other. If she’s down, tie her hands behind her back. She’ll love it.

  8. Not that I’m saying you aren’t clean or anything, but if she is going to grind up against it, make sure it’s really really clean. Armpits are full of bacteria and she could easily get a UTI

  9. As someone who has an armpit fetish and obsessed with my boyfriends armpits… thank you for posting this 🥴
    Hope you two have lots of fun! 🤭

  10. Have her pick out ” armpit porn” that turns her on. Watch it together. Try not to yuck or laugh at it while watching it with her.

  11. WARNING explicit: Not sure if this helps, but my ex would sometimes sit up and grind against my lower back/butt and she could get herself off that way. It required 0 efforts from me as all I had to do was lay on my front while relaxing on the bed. It gave me the sensation of receiving a massage. I’m guessing it could be similar, but with your armpit instead.

  12. I mean armpits are where your smell is strongest. I wouldnt even call this a fetish just ✨love✨ but to each their own I guess

  13. I once asked a partner to sit herself on my back and ya know work it around !!
    100% one of the best nights of my life lol

  14. I’ve never heard of this before either but I think it’s sweet that you’re open to it.

  15. I see this as a great opportunity to explore her fetish and maybe some of your own.
    “So tell me (Name), how do you envision this happening? I’m eager to hear it.”

  16. It’s natural for some people to be attracted to pheromones. Have a blast, dude!!

  17. I see an opportunity for a 69 variant here: you’re on your back, she’s on her side facing you, thread your arm between her legs such that you can scratch her back. If you can hold her shoulder or the back of her neck that would give you the ability to increase contact pressure

  18. let her do! that’s the perfect situation to tell her your deepest fetish, even thou it might be an awkward one 😜 enjoy ur open minded sexuality!!! gratulation!

  19. Just let her do her thing , it’s her kink , it fulfils her desires and she wiping her pussy all over you , embrace it , enjoy her and take it all in, might never happen again.
    When shs done taking her fill, soak up her love for you.

  20. i honestly feel like this fetish is a super instinctual thing, if u think about it she is just extremely attracted to ur pheromones. Im gunna say i believe she already knows what she wants and how to do it u j gotta b there with ur armpit lol

  21. I didn’t think this was a thing. That is until my bf did it. I don’t think it’s a kink though. He seems to like making me squirm with things that I feel are more taboo? He doesn’t fuck my armpit but has licked and smelled it. I’ve smelled his because I love the way he smells. Clean or dirty. I agree with most on here. If it’s something that doesn’t bother you and you enjoy making her happy I’d say why not let her. As long as it doesn’t push your boundaries of what you are comfortable with.

  22. A woman being direct with what she wants and giving you the opportunity to (hopefully) easily fulfill one of her desires? Sounds like a win to me.

  23. I totally had a gf that would want to have sex with any or all of. My body. I could totally see her doing this which i would be ok with it. Just let her glide you. Enjoy.

  24. Ask her if she wants it clean smelly or shaven and let her have at it lmao she knows what she wants to do

  25. Sounds like she wants to rub her pussy on your armpit, easy enough, lay on back with arms up, pillows under for support. Let her ride ya.

    Never heard of this though. I have heard a lot too.

  26. If she’s anything like me, she’s a grinder when she gets off. I can do it against a person’s leg, so I assume she can/wants to do the same with your arm raised and her vulva right up in your armpit. Seems tricky but doable

  27. I’m too afraid of being tickled to indulge such a request but I still wish someone would ask me 😔

  28. I’ve dated someone with a fetish before and the best thing you can do is be kind and enthusiastic with it (and communicate any boundaries if you have them)

    like tell her you want to know exactly what she wants to try, and that if she could send you any videos or photos or links of ideas of things you could try together you would love to make her dreams a sexy reality

    ask her if there’s any way she wants you to prep or if she can think of a position or context that would make it easiest for her to try her first time in, or if there’s anything you can do to make it special for her

    then as things evolve and you get a feel for stuff she might like physically and psychologically to do with it, you might send her stuff and ask “hey is this warm or cold on something you would like to try? it’s okay if not, just want to make sure you are getting as turned on as possible!” to make her feel at ease and to be able to really relax into and get super turned on by it

    unlocking someone’s secret kink with them is a very powerful bonding experience – I hope you both enjoy it!!

  29. Damn dude I have a armpit fetish too wtt I wish I could find a broad that was into it. I want to sniff a girls armpits when they are cowgirl. The pheromones make me crazy

  30. Go for it let her do her thing! My guess is she’ll let you know exactly what to do and you’ll also instinctively know in the moment I bet. My bf likes the smell of my armpits and likes to taste too, sometimes I enjoy the smell of his especially after sex. So not all to weird!

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