Do people like me? Help.

I need opinions please. I’ve never been able to become super close to allot of “friends”, most the people in my circle are from the current workplace I’m in, or from my last job which was on a bar. I talk quite regularly with them but I never seem to get invited out to socialise when they get together. When I do ask if people are out or plan to go out, I get hit with “I’ll let you know”, then when the time comes and they’re out, I never get told. And it kinda hurts.

It was recently my birthday, and no one asked to see if I had plans. People wished me happy birthday through social media, but hardly anyone messaged me to wish me a happy birthday nor did they ask me if I fancied drinks/food.

Again, recently I’ve been asking people if they have plans to do anything and I get hit with dry responses. I’m desperate to socialise, I’m naturally introverted, but even when I’m in the mood I get nothing back from the people that are supposed to be my friends.

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t impact my mental health, it makes me extremely depressed and paranoid that I’m doing something wrong or I’m just not liked by anyone.

Any tips or ideas would help allot.

1 comment
  1. To be blunt it doesn’t matter, it’s better to be alone rather than be surrounded by people who act like they care
    Being alone is a not a bad thing but feeling lonely is rather than thinking about whether they like your company or not enjoy your own company

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