So… I have recently been dating this guy for a few weeks now. We’ve had various sexual encounters and it has been great. However, the other day he put his dick on my face. Never asked for it. I have sucked it 2 times before. It’s not my cup of tea lets say. I did make him clear that day that i wasn’t in the mood to do that. And eitherway he just stood up and put his dick on my face. He was literally rubbing it on my face. When he saw i turned my face the other way he gave up.

Would you accept this? Is this type of behaviour normal? I find it a bit awkward now

  1. This can be normal but only for partners who have made it clear that they like it. I can do this to my partner and she will suck it, but I wouldn’t try it without fully knowing,

  2. He probably thought he was ‘seducing’ you by rubbing his dick on your face. And it would turn you on. It obviously did not. He probably has got the message now. Or maybe not!

  3. He’s watched too much porn. Tell him you aren’t into that and set your boundaries. Important to do in a young relationship

  4. Sooo this is a very bad sign. But I think you could also talk to him and say “that was not cool what you did the other day, never do it again.” And it might help correct his asshole behavior. Then if he keeps doing fucked up stuff then ditch his ass. Or if he refuses to admit he did anything wrong, or tries to turn it around on you, then just be like “Ok, fine.” And then dump his ass over text.

  5. All relationships have different dynamics – it is up to both of you to decide what is acceptable and what is not. Both of you have veto power in that regard. If you don’t find it acceptable, then it shouldn’t be done.

  6. I’m a guy and I definitely don’t think that’s okay…I know there are probably plenty of girls who wouldn’t mind, but I just think it’s disrespectful–like you were put here to please him; especially if you already said you weren’t interested…

    Everytime I hear one of these stories it kind of blows my mind as a guy….anecdotally it seems like more and more guys have some kind of sense of entitlement about sex…be it this or sex without a condom, etc…. <end rant> 😉

  7. Sorry he did that to you. No excuse at all for that behavior.

    Pretty much 95% of the posts on here can be avoided or “fixed” with open communication PRIOR to sexaul activity.

    And if two people can have honest discussions about sex, they generally can talk about all issues in their lives.

    Hopefully you are able to tell him your feelings. If he is not receptive then time to break it off.

  8. He shouldn’t just assume you’re comfortable with it. Some people like to feel dignified and respected during sex, while others enjoy being degraded and made fun of. Both ways are normal and fine ways to express your sexuality, but the guy shouldn’t just assume that you fall under the category of wanting to have his dick on your face.

    I’m a submissive type and like being humiliated a little bit, so I like dick slapping and having it on my face, BUT I always discuss my preferences and boundaries with men so that they know what I’m ok or not with. No one puts a dick on my face until I’ve said I’m good with it.

    I’m kinda more worried that you’d already expressed your disinterest in more oral and he answered with… Putting his dick on your face? You made your stance very clear so he “downgraded” oral sex to just his dick on your face. That’s ick vibes.

  9. That’s weird lol my husband does it sometimes to be funny but never as a way to initiate sex

  10. Just be honest with him. Tell him how you feel about it. If he respects you and gives an apology of some sort, then keep him around. If he gets defensive or puts the fault on you for not blowing him, then dump him.

  11. Lol Ima be honest. I’m married and my husband is an idiot 😄😅. He has literally teabagged me before, totally unannounced. His ballsack was on my eyes like a sleep mask. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ He was kidding around so I wasn’t offended, it was funny lol. I think it depends on the spirit of it and yalls comfort level

  12. So you told him you didn’t want to give him oral right now and he stuck his dick on your face?

    Don’t see him anymore. It will only get worse

  13. It’s definitely a talk. If he responds poorly then break it off.

    From my perspective like I’m not sure how degrading it felt but a little bit of like pre sex dick near head play and touching face could feel pretty natural if she’d given head before. Feels playful to me. But if the vibe was more dom then it’d be different.

    A LOT of the time these sorts of posts feel like the line was crossed in a major way. However this feels a bit more grey to me

  14. My husband has never done this to me… And I’m having a hard time even picturing how it works… Like near your mouth? Just the tip? Or laid it on there, balls and all?

    If you tell him it’s a no and he understands and agrees that’s a hard no, you could give him another chance. If he says you’re overreacting and it’s not a big deal, then you dump him.

  15. As on you were trying to sleep and woke up with him standing over you and his dick on your face?

  16. I see a guy trying to be funny or do something forward to get sexual and then stopped when you clarified you aren’t into it. I had a gf that actually asked me to come up and do this, some guys (after they get comfortable, this wouldn’t be cool if you just hooked up once or twice and haven’t bonded) might try this bc they’re comfortable. This really isn’t a big deal, but you came to a very overreactive place for your answer.

  17. You made it clear you weren’t in the mood and yet he put his dick in your face anyways. This is red flag and feels like he was trying to coerce you into changing your mind. Major ick, you can do better

  18. > I did make him clear that day that i wasn’t in the mood to do that.

    It’s normal for assholes. I’d probably be done with him

  19. Lol I feel like a bad person because this made me laugh

    Assuming he was not in fact trying to make *you* laugh (!), maybe he thought this would be hot, but just massively miscalculated haha

    Maybe you should talk to him about it outside of the bedroom and try to get some more information about what he was thinking? I wouldn’t assume anything if you’re not sure.

  20. Sounds like he was being an idiot and clueless about the situation. If you tell him you don’t like it and he apologizes, maybe give him a second chance. If this is characteristic of other poor behavior or if he shows zero remorse, leave.

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