A guy I met online months and months ago had my interest and I tried more than once to see him. He was always “gonna be around in a few days” and then .. nothing. I find him very handsome, interesting and I was let down. Now, I started seeing someone, and I do like him. We’re not in a relationship, but we’ve had 5 dates and things are going in a good direction for sure. we took a nice picture yesterday on a date and I put it on my story.

Now, suddenly, after seeing my story .. I get a message “i’m around 😇”.

I know what this is.. but I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to go on a date and feed my curiosities about this person. I know he saw the photo .. so I said, well I’m somewhat seeing someone right now.

He said “haha, okay.” Well let me know if you want to hang out before its different then “somewhat”.. I said .. “if it doesnt go past somewhat, ill see if youre around”. he said “cool”.

Should I leave this alone and just keep my attention on the guy who’s never played any games with the dating? Should I wait a week or two and then say.. “hey, lets go ahead and try meeting up? “ .. but then am I also playing the game? Will he just give me the run around again when I try to see him? Or maybe he realized he should have given me a shot when he saw me involved with someone??

Why do I care so much?? Is it worth finding out?? Looking for an unbiased opinion 🙂

  1. Well you are here on reddit asking for confirmation to go on a date with the fuckboy instead of sticking to a good guy who has always treated you right so.. Just go. At least tell the good guy so they he doesn’t keep his hopes before deceiving him
    Edit: yeah he’s just horny

  2. I’d suggest leaving it. The first guy who was never around before clearly had no interest until he saw you weren’t feeding into it anymore. He is only looking for the attention

  3. What do you want from us here? Do you want strangers to give you permission to blow a good thing for someone who’s obviously playing mind games with you?

    Fine, go throw the other guy in the trash and get used for a little while by the first guy.

  4. Block the first dude, and that’s pretty jacked you would even wanna jeopardize what you got going on right now with someone who hasn’t don’t anything wrong

  5. The first guy is clearly using attention from you to boost his ego. Guys like that like to see how far they can get with several girls, even just texting with them feeds their ego.

  6. I have to ask. Why do you even care about the fuckboy? The current guy sounds way better! So I have to, and you should be asking yourself. Why do you care at all about this fuckboy? What does he have that the other guy doesn’t? If he’s just more attractive, leave the fuckboy where he belongs, in the past. If he’s more interesting because idk he’s more charming and flirty, that will and can easily change with this better quality guy.

    The point is, if you know what you’re attracted to, many desired behaviors can be cultivated with a good, healthy partner. This is wayyy more advantageous than playing games with untrustworthy, slimey fuckboys. It might not sound as sexy to work at it, but it will be infinitely more rewarding. Not to mention trust is the basis of any relationship, and you can’t trust this fuckboy. So there’s automatically no reason to continue, unless he’s hot enough that you don’t mind being used for awhile. Not worth it, though. If being used is attractive to you, find a better guy first, and that can be something you role play with someone who actually cares and loves you. Good luck!! 😊

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