What would you consider to be “low hanging fruit” of women out there in the current dating market?

  1. The ones that are put together, and would make a great partners, mothers, etc

    …but to whom I have no interest in. No spark, no connection

  2. I cringe when I hear people call it a “dating market” or try to assign value to dating prospects like that. Just seems like a deeply unhealthy view of relationships to me.

  3. Single moms regardless of their age, overweight women, women above 40 who were attractive and got full attention from good looking guys but things started fading away and now in panic mode.

  4. People that consistently crave social media validation

    (people that post half naked photos of themselves on social media and always checking how many likes their post has and removing the photo if it only has 28 likes)

    Or people that post photos of themselves at the gym with the caption “working out arms today” and 3/4 of the photo is of their ass

  5. Fat women, women who are 32+ who want kids, and single moms. A combination of all of the above is fruit hanging so low its on the ground.

    For casual sex, divorced women with adult kids when you’re 28 to 35.

  6. Not necessarily single mothers in general, but the ones where they very clearly made a horrible mistake in the choice of father for their children first time around. Particularly if he already had children with another women – I’m wary of a woman with judgement that bad.

  7. High quality women have multiple positive things going for them. They are educated, have good careers, lots of friends, are financially stable, don’t have messy personal lives, are in good physical shape, are intelligent, cheerful, and fun to be around.

    The ***fewer*** of those qualities that a woman has, the lower her quality is. Low quality women typically have equally low standards in men.

    In real life, the last thing you want to do is date women who are significantly beneath you in social/economic/educational terms. If you are a lawyer who goes to the gym 4 times per week, you obviously don’t want to be dating a girl who does laundry for a living and weighs 200 pounds. Instead, a lawyer man looks for a lawyer woman, doctor, dentist, architect, or other professional. They also need to match reasonably well on quality of looks.

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