Looking at people in my morning commute (Houston, TX), I realized most people nowadays have some kind of facial hair. If not a full beard, at least a mustache. I would say about 65-70% to 30-35% clean shaven (myself included, blame the gene lottery). In my workplace, the split is a little more even, 50/50.

What about your area?

  1. Clean shaven for sure as woman and children and older folks are generally without facial hair.

    I keeed i keeed.

    I would say more millennias tend to have facial hair. Others are hit and miss.

  2. I think all my male coworkers have facial hair. definitely more common here than clean shaven.

  3. Hmmmm I’d say the majority of men above the age of 50 are clean shaven, while there’s a good 60-40 split of men between 25-50 in favor of facial hair.

    High school boys try to grow facial hair but it generally doesn’t work out well.

  4. I guess I would say it’s 50/50. Facial hair is kind of a spectrum. A lot of guys rocking some stubble these days, and plenty of people either side of that.

  5. I’m used to seeing way more clean shaven guys back in New York. The clean cut, wall street look is more prevalent.

    But here in Arizona, I see waaayyyy more big beards, among my coworkers, bosses, gym, etc. Much more of a rough around the edges look.

  6. Ballpark estimates: 33% of older men have mustaches, and 33% of younger men have some sort of closely-trimmed facial hair. I have a full beard that I trim whenever I can see it in my peripheral vision.

  7. Two guys I work with have facial hair, and one friend I haven’t seen in over a year does as well. I think my dad started growing it out recently too. They’re the only people I can recall seeing. Thank god for it too, I don’t think facial hair looks good on anyone.

  8. It’s definitely a generational thing. Now that we’re not low-key worried about nuclear fallout or otherwise having to wear a sealed face mask, it’s much less of an issue to have facial hair. Hell, long hair on men is coming back.

    My office has around a dozen men. 2/3 of them have beards of varying lengths and styles. I know one guy literally can’t, but I think the other guys are still in that mindset of corporate = clean shaven

    I might shave once it gets hot though

  9. I feel like at my work the majority of men that can grow decent facial hair, do. I feel like that’s pretty applicable to most men I know around here

  10. 50-50 here. most men around 30 and over seem to have some sort of facial hair. But we have a lot of miners and prison guard workers in town and beards are a no go for those workers. Lots of Mormons too and they tend to lean toward clean-shaven for the most part (though I notice it changing a bit)

  11. The people saying one way or the other clearly don’t leave home much. Facial hair is worldwide.

  12. I think it’s probably a slight advantage to facial hair? Often it’s just…not shaving often to dudes are somewhere on the just shaven to itchy scruff spectrum and resetting regularly.

    I don’t pay that much attention outside those I see every day.

  13. facial hair most definitely. 80% hispanic population, my town, so most people are rocking at least a little mustache.

  14. Generation Y (those in aged 25-45) seem to be a beard on men, or a moustache. GenZ is usually clean shaved, but many of them still can’t grow a full beard of mustache yet so that might be why.

    Back in the 2010s in America long big beards were in style, bot that trend ended, so the beards you are seeing now are regular or short length.

    But I noticed different parts of America have certain fashions that are not in fashion in other parts of America.

  15. i think clean shaven is a lot more common in my lil corner of Long Island

  16. I honestly don’t know many men without facial hair of some kind, myself included.

  17. I would say it’s mostly clean-shaven. There’s a lot of military/government/tech folks in my area.

  18. Older men- Clean shaven

    Middle aged men – Mix

    Younger men – Facial hair if they can grow it

  19. I prefer my testicles to be waxed. Not shaven.

    Love the silky smooth feeling of a crack, back and sack wax

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