What is the next corporation that is pushing wokeness hard enough to put them out of business?

  1. Wokeness? Like treating everyone equally? Sounds horrible. People that hate wokeness are upset that they can’t be open homophobic, racist, or treat others like shit, like the good old days…

  2. Which corporation has pushed “wokeness” so hard that it put them out of business?

  3. None of them? Performative outrage is just that: performative. You can cry all you like, but those companies are laughing all the way to the bank. You sure do look ridiculous complaining about it, though.

  4. Who cares…who is the next douchebag that is gonna mentions ‘wokeness’ as a problem? Go live in Afghanistan, they dont educate half their population. Really cut down on the wokeness over there…..hey for fun, can you define wokeness?

  5. Lmao really bro get off DeSantis’ dick. Only person going broke is him after Disney sues him into the dirt.

  6. Has this happened? As far as I can tell corporations have been mostly just adjusting their marketing to reflect modern cultural norms, and the companies with non-regressive marketing (“woke” I guess) seem to be doing better than their regressive counterparts.

    Last company I recall putting their foot in their mouth was Papa John’s when the owner said some stupid things online and the company had to boot him from the board in order to avoid some of the social ire.

  7. Not at all surprised that OP is an anti-vaxxer. Budweiser sales haven’t dropped because of trans people, it’s because they make beer with estrogen and 5G microchips.

  8. Bro you really that mad because they gave a trans person their own souvenir can? Lol

  9. These always crack me up The boycotts and shit I mean. Name one corporation that’s gone out of business because of a boycott. Boycotts take pocket change out of their pockets.

    Doesn’t matter what side you lean, remember the chic fila boycott? They went no where. Starbucks? Still there. Uncle Bens? Yep still there. Land o lakes? Yeppp oh oh how about bud light and it’s parent company? Out of your mind if you think it’s going anywhere.

  10. I think the church is pushing wokeness too hard. I think it was about time we put church out of business. Fuck those dickwads!

  11. I don’t think any of these corporations will ever go out of business from it but may lose a lot of money. The more recent one of addidas putting some dude in a one piece bikini showing bulge was pretty fuckin ridiculous and funny lol. I feel like these companies take the route of any publicity is good publicity and they know they ultimately wont go out of business due to it so they don’t care.

  12. Dude, wokeness is good for business. It just makes sense to appeal to people trying to accept everyone rather than those who want some excluded. Larger and younger customer base. There’s a reason ads on conservative media are always targeted at old folks.

  13. None. It’s marketing, it shifts with time and based on customer response. Gillette and bud will be fine. They’ll adjust their messaging with what they think will strengthen the brand. Sometimes they overshoot and get more backlash than they expected. They apologize and re-assess.

    None of them are actually pushing an agenda, they’re following trends.

  14. I am trying to figure out which one was the first.

    If this is about bud light, I think it is hilarious that people got all bent out of shape over one person getting a commemorative beer can, that wasn’t even for sale. I don’t understand how it harms anyone to the point it is worth getting upset about and I hardly feel like it is pushing any “wokeness.”

    I am getting fairly tired of all of the woke vs anti-woke agenda people, but have to stand on the side of the woke for no other reason that the anti-woke crowd, wants everyone to live and be like they are. If you don’t fit that mold, you still exist and should be able to live without your life being total hell. For instance – It isn’t that they don’t want their kid to read a certain book and that they could stop their kid from checking it out, it is that they don’t want any kids to be able to read a certain book and they think that they should be the ones to make that decision. I am not okay with that or anything else being pushed.

  15. All of them? I was in the mall last week and saw posters in at least 4 stores featuring homosexual and transgender models engaged in kissing, cuddling, and other PG-13 level sexual scenes.

    Why do so many companies feel the need to feature non-traditional sex in their ads? Does it actually help sales? Is there bigger demand for women’s lipstick among the transgender community than with regular women?

    Serious question, I just don’t get it.

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