Me (18m) and my mother are planning to go on a trip this July for around 3-5 days, and we are from 🇨🇦 but we were wondering if there’s a lot of things to do in Miami to do and see and of course, if it’s relatively safe.

Our other option is Punta Cana but that’s just a resort and I, for one, would like to explore.

  1. The tourist areas, like the tourist areas of every city in America, are very safe.

    It’s just gonna be hotter than hell.

  2. Of *course* it’s safe. No worse than any other city in America or Canada.

    You *might* see more political campaigning/protests which while not dangerous will be annoying.

    Also, it’s going to be *summer*, in *Florida*. You may find cooler temperatures in an oven.

  3. Yes, it’s generally safe for tourist. Just very hot… and humid. If you’ve never experienced Humid Hot it’s very different than Dry heat.

    If it’s 100% humidity and you walk outside and it’s sunny, it literally feels like a VERY soft and moist blanket surrounding you. If you come to Miami or in Florida, bring sunscreen and water!

  4. America is much *much* safer than the image the news media gives. You’ll be fine in most major cities and even with the ones that are bad, it’s mostly gang violence so just don’t go out at midnight and you’ll be fine. I can’t speak personally because I’ve never been to Florida but I would also advise y’all to bring sunblock, bug spray, and a ton of water. Florida is infamous for feeling like you’re breathing soup in the summer.

  5. Purely from a time of year standpoint, dear lord no. I’m black and was the 1st time I’ve ever gotten sunburn. I had new found sympathy for white people. That said Miami is pretty fucking fun. Couldn’t live there but it’s a fun time

  6. It’s gonna be balmier than the devil ballsack but you’ll be safe

  7. Isn’t that hurricane season? Be prepared for your hotel to enforce a no cancelation policy.

  8. Safe? I’d imagine so, as much as any other city of it’s relative size.

    But I wouldn’t go in July due to the heat.

    If you want to explore and get away from the touristy areas, it might not be a bad idea to brush up on some Spanish, too. You’ll get by fine with just English, but some of the restaurants off the beaten path may have menus in Spanish only

  9. Miami is an amazing city, it’s like nowhere else in the US. 3-5 days would be enough to see the highlights of the city and maybe a day trip to the Keys or the Everglades. It’ll be hotter than blazes and probably storm at least once a day, but it would be a fun trip. Unique architecture, great food, awesome beaches, a cool arts district, lots and lots to do.

  10. It’s gonna be brutally hot, dude… I do not recommend it. It will feel like 120-130 degrees because of the humidity.

  11. Miami/Florida is safe, you just need to worry about the heat and try not to get sunburned.

  12. Yeah, it’s safe. In July, it’s going to be hot and humid – like walk out the door and hit you in the face humid. But honestly, that’s some of the charm of Miami, just accept that you will be sweating so wear light airy layers. I first went in August and loved it. It’s also close to the start of hurricane season. You’ll probably be fine, but it’ll probably rain close to every day for a short while.

    South Beach is the “Miami” everyone thinks of, but make sure you get out to Brickell (downtown) and Wynnewood. There’s definitely enough to do to cover 3-5 days. Definitely get out to the Everglades. Another idea is to drive down to Key West (3h30m if no traffic, big if) and stay overnight.

    Also – learn a bit of Spanish before going. It’s not essential, but it will go a long way because a lot of people will speak to you Spanish-first. It’s an awesome city, unlike anywhere else in the US.

  13. [Sure, unless you’re a minority.](

    >In an interview with CBS News, Johnson explained what went into the group’s decision.

    >”We began to look at the pattern and the comments, along with the public policy that Governor DeSantis and the Florida legislative body began to enact. And we recognize that it is not only a direct attack on the African American community, but the Latino community, on women, the LGBTQIA community, and that’s a problem,” he said.

  14. If you are Black, Brown, or LGBT+ then I would not recommend Florida.

    That said, it is very hot ans very humid. The sun in Florida is different than the sun anywhere else. It makes everything feel 10 degrees (F) hotter than the shade. It also can be hard to breathe for asthmatics.

    There are a lot of breweries, a lot of beaches, a few museums. The Keys are fun. You can snorkle or scuba the reefs which is really nice.

  15. South Florida in July will be hotter than Satan’s taint, so no I would not recommend it.

  16. It’s safe, but you might melt from the heat/humidity. Travel insurance would be a good idea, as you’ll be more than a month into hurricane season.

  17. Miami is very safe and definitely worth visiting. Make sure to go to the Everglades too

  18. OK, most here have not been to Miami.

    Do you mean Miami? Or Miami Beach?

    Both are rather cool in the summer, because of the wind off the ocean. Beach more so. Just don’t go to far inland.

    >The average temperature in Miami Beach in July for a typical day ranges from a high of 86°F (30°C) to a low of 82°F (28°C).

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