I have really strong feelings for a close friend of mine and I don’t know what to do.

Basically her and I are really close and we talk to each other a lot at and after school and tell each other mostly everything. I think she probably knows the most about me than anyone else. I have liked her in the past but came to think that friends would just be better but now I’m questioning that. Couple of weeks ago we had our prom and I did ask her to go as friends this was before I started liking her again and she said no as going even as friends does imply something more which I do realize is true now.

So I ended up going with this other girl who was pretty obviously into me and her friends kept telling me that her and I were basically on a date and I just didn’t want that. At least not with her at that point I did want that just with my close friend and so I kinda just was more dry with the girl I took to prom.

And at the after party the girl I liked friends came up to me and accused me of liking her which I denied but I did.
And I spent some time with them.
But last night her and I hung out we went and got high for the first time (wouldn’t recommend pretty mid tbh).
Her and I just hung out and talked for hours and sat went up on a hill and watched the fire works cuz it was a holiday where lam and I just realized how much | liked her. We’ve been friends for years and she’s told me before she doesn’t see a point in highschool relationships but even with that I’m still finding myself having a huae crush on her.

I came close to confessing yesterday and telling her the reason why I didn’t do anything with the girl I took to prom but decided not to maybe another time.
I do want to eventually ask her out so any and all advice is appreciated.(we’re both 17 for clarification)

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