Hello all. My bf and I have been together for almost 5 months now. I’ve been having this major insecurity issue where I spot “threats” and I’m constantly comparing myself to them. I stare at them and try to find flaws or just analyze them completely and it makes me feel shitty. I think of how if my bf saw them he would be attracted to them and check them out. This happens when I’m alone and with him. I would consider myself attractive and I do have self esteem for the MOST part. But I can’t help but spot “threats.” How do I work on this??? My bf makes me feel beautiful and wonderful. Idk where this issue has stemmed from.

  1. I understand this feeling. Have you tried talking to your bf about it? If yes, what was the conversation like?

  2. it comes from… a feeling of needing to compete. why do we compete, as woman? women needed men to survive at one point. so on some level it’s about survival. to compete for resources from a lack mentality/perspective.
    but it’s also about women being kept separate from other women.

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