My exhusband’s dad died, we’ve been divorced 10 months. I’m now in a very happy relationship for the last 5 months. Things didn’t end awfully but he didn’t speak to me for 7 months because I moved on faster. We weren’t a good fit but were married for 7 years. He was having a hard time getting over me. I found out through family of his I’m friends with on facebook, so I’d like to send him a condolences text to acknowledge it. I was thinking “I’m sorry to hear about your Dad” and that’s it. Not sure if I should say anything else? Or even if I should text him at all? My current partner would not mind at all. I don’t know where my exhusband is at in his healing / getting past our relationship. So I feel like texting him might make him feel worse but I also think he might feel like he might want me to acknowledge it.

  1. I think just leaving it. Maybe send flowers to the service or donate if there’s a charity, but leave your ex alone, if he’s not over you it might make his suffering worse.

    Say a prayer, if that’s what you do, for the family.

  2. How about: I’m really sorry to learn about your dad. You have been so lucky to have him. I know this is a hard loss, and I will be thinking of all of you.

  3. “Sorry to hear about your families loss, please send my condolences to you and family” .

    That’s only if you feel the need to send anything.
    Otherwise, send person who told you on FB to pass on condolences to the family

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