I’m in the upper Midwest the Town is less than 10K. This people are not homeless and I don’t know what they do for work. I believe it’s safe to assume they have jobs.

They got the long hair and beard with minimal care but usually clean. One I can sometimes smell 10 feet away towards the end of the week. The same with the clothes they wear is usually full of holes but not from age or abuse. Usually they are using what I would consider higher end electronics. They also prefer to walk down the middle of the road instead of one of the sidewalks.

This is something that I have only started seeing within the last few years.

  1. Once we stopped wearing top hats and spats to ballgames and horse races society went to shit

  2. “[Gutter punks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_punk?wprov=sfla1)”. They’re more common in the Pacific Northwest, but they’ve been in the upper Midwest for a while in smaller numbers. There’s a variety of them. Some are actually homeless. Others just prefer the lifestyle. There was even a King of the Hill episode on them (Season 10 – Episode 13: The Texas Panhandler).

  3. Sounds like crusties to be honest. Or more aptly, smells like it. They’re a real pain if it’s them. All they do is trash stuff and steal what isn’t nailed down. They can be pretty aggressive too

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