Just some words of encouragement for all the guys / girls who have been LJBFed or ghosted after some amazing dates with people they met online: It’s nearly certain that it wasn’t your fault, your match just had enough other options and refused to settle for someone less than perfect.

I recently met someone in real life and for the first time in years I don’t fear that she might just ghost me or LJBF me out of the blue, because meeting someone in real life is actually quite rare and people don’t expect you to be perfect, when they don’t have hundreds of other potential candidates on the backburner.

  1. The trick is meeting people IRL it never seems like a good time to reach out to someone.

  2. I get way more interest online than I do in person. Every man I asked out in the wild just wanted a FWB.

  3. Bruh 50/50 chance anyone you meet in real life has a dating app on their phone. Not to mention social media in general

    You can’t escape the future by not participating. Adapt or die sorta deal.

    If you’ve got anxiety about the way the world is, it’s time to either get help or change your perspective.

  4. As a guy, I do significantly better approaching women in person and I don’t have to lower my standards significantly. I think in person, you can really show off your personality right off the bat and it’s more personable. You’re not another number in a queue with a ton of other guys. Also, unless you have a perfectly sculpted profile, most guys look better in person. I find the quality of matches I meet in person to be a lot higher especially if we are doing mutual interests.

  5. Not to burst your bubble but you certainly can still be told to just be friends even if you meet in person. The value to me is that meeting people in real life is more exciting than anything else you can do

  6. Yeah I’m pretty sure this is a much higher probability in real life, especially when it’s versus online dating. Right now, online I have 0 matches and that’s with my profile 100% filled out.

    Plus I am really nervous and somewhat shy meeting new people, let alone meeting women I find attractive. And if I find them attractive, I’m nervous as hell cause if I want to flirt, I don’t want to appear creepy. Trying to be flirty with an absolute stranger I have never met before, plus being shy and uncomfortable around new people at first, is a recipe for disaster

  7. You can meet in person, but if she’s on dating apps then she’ll still have hundreds of other potential candidates on the backburner.

  8. I feel like this will be return as the most conventional way of dating, hopefully. Since covid, the use of dating apps has exponentially increased and most people forgot about “tinder” etiquette. IMO nowadays has been harder to communicate with people on dating apps as it seems that they easily lose interest when I’m not opening my legs in the first 5 minutes of acquaintance. In real life I feel like people may still have some type of social decency.

  9. OK but how do you meet people irl, I put myself out there, I go drinking in town occasionally, no one is interested or they want to be left alone or with their friends.

    Its good to hear success stories but these posts give no reinforcement. Plus they’ll still have dating apps so you are yet another person in the queue unless you manage to woo him or her.

  10. Girl I’m seeing right now I met through bowling league. We get a long so well. Every date I’ve had on dating apps has sucked either awfully dry conversations or just no energy and then you meet up and it’s just awkward. All of my best relationships have come from meeting people in person.

  11. I agree one hundred percent. You’re seen as a human being when you meet someone in real life and not just as another profile. I have never been able to stay on dating sites, whenever I tried once or twice during uni I found the experience very dehumanising. I’d rather be single than go there to be honest (thankfully it’s not like I haven’t met people in real life)

  12. not to be a downer but the fake optimism is not helpful just because things work in your favour doesn’t mean it’s everyone reality. others have stated that they’re as sociable and try and meet people IRL and it doesn’t work, and what makes you think that these people you meet IRL don’t have dating apps?

  13. what is LJBF?

    is this some sort of new sexual orientation I’m unaware of??

  14. Complete fantasy. You know who’s in “real life”? The same people who use dating apps. They have the same attitudes, the same expectations, the same entitlements. There is no secret reservoir of partners untainted and uninfluenced by app culture. It’s just the culture now. There’s no escaping it and no mercy or slack to be found.

  15. Meeting someone in real life is 10 times better than online dating. The problem with online dating is everyone is looking for something perfect because of the amount of options

  16. Well I mean she can still do both to you, I think there’s just more confidence and connection when you meet someone irl. They can still be aware that they have options.

    What people don’t get is that it’s not smart to assume dating apps aren’t trying to maximize profits and don’t have other goals than you meeting the one. They’re made to be superficial they’ve made that clear with the layouts.

    The efforts to make connections and be unique and prove yourself as an option is the responsibility of the user which is why they give the freedom to put pics and bios and information yourself versus being a service that improves your profile to maximize your chances of meeting someone perfect for you.

  17. This is one of the reasons why Iv never tried dating apps, there’s something sweet, genuine and exciting about meeting someone irl. However I do admit, I’m often not comfortable giving out my number to a guy I just met, so many questions flood my mind. How old is he? He could be too young or too old for me. Does he even live in my city, my country? Was this just a friendly interaction that I’m overanalysing because I find him handsome and polite. So many questions but still prefer meeting people on the fly.

  18. Sometimes they just try to act tough in order to get chased after… I hate that. I usually just say, “hope you have a great future!” And delete their contact. They hate it but its a way to get it back at them. Stupidity at its highest level. ugh.

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