I suffer from severe car anxiety- not getting on it – but driving it- I’ve failed getting my license multiple times, I did get it eventually, but because of control issues with my parents when I was a teenager- I was forbidden to get into a car; despite my dad having 4 cars- he never allowed me to drive one- I don’t drink and have never done drugs- so it’s not a substance issue- as a result- everytime I’ve tried driving a car, I get anxiety; to the point where one time I almost crashed and might have potentially hurt someone (which I didn’t, but it was a close call) – there’s nothing else to do but depend on public transportation (I live in a big city, so it works out for me)
That said- I work long hours, I work out a lot and yes- I’m tired sometimes, specially when I get off my shift and I need to sit down- so I have absolutely no sympathy for other people with priority- I’m also tired and in pain when I haven’t slept the previous night from working on my feet-
When I was obese it was easy, because I would pretend I was pregnant and would get away with it because I had a big belly- being obese destroyed my joints and even though I’m normal weight now, my joints hurt from exercising, there’s nothing I can do about it- I’ve lost weight, I got healthy, but I still have chronic issues from my former obesity-
That said, I don’t want to give up my seats I’ve already sacrificed not driving so I won’t hurt anyone or myself- I just want to occupy Fhing seat and not have to give it up to an elderly or pregnant person
Yes I’m a POS human being, but at least I’m not driving around recklessly hurting people-

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