Hello, I’m getting an IUD soon and I’m worried about how it will feel for my partner. I’m also kind of worried about him touching the strings or me feeling the strings while he’s in me (I know I’m not supposed to be able to feel them, but still…). My sister that had one said that she had a partner that was being poked by them and I don’t want that to happen. So if anyone could give me some experience/advice on this that would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: I forgot to add I’m concerned about his fingers since that his a big part of it usually. He’s normally really gentle, but I don’t want him to be so gentle that I can’t feel anything because we’re scared of pulling it out. Advice on that is appreciated too thank you!

  1. It’s entirely dependent on the way your anatomy and his line up. If he is **consistently** hitting your cervix with a decent amount of force, he’s likely to feel it.

    But if he doesn’t really have that issue, or is angled in such a way that it doesn’t really happen, then it’s likely to be fine.

    You can’t really fully know how this will play out for you guys until you try it though. I know people who say they’ve never felt the IUD a day in their life, and others who say they feel it all the time.

  2. I’ve poked the iud before and it was annoying but not anything painful. I would only feel it when I went deeper then normal so size matters in that regard.

  3. While everyone’s anatomy is different, I’ve had mine for years and none of my partners have ever noticed a thing. Not fingers, oral or penetration. I only find the string myself if I’m specifically searching for it

  4. Ive only had one partner that I got poked with. She mentioned it at her next exam and they trimmed back some excess wire and we never had an issue again.

  5. I had a copper IUD for a few years and it always hurted a bit during the penetration. I could also feel the IUD during the day and it was very inconvenient. But this is very personal and there are people who don’t have any problems with the IUD.

    Occasionally my partners also felt it but the IUD didn’t cause any pain or discomfort to them.

  6. I have a copper IUD and I believe the strings of mine are extremely short. No one has felt it so far. I have no complaints about it.

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